Given the vaccines’ rushed clinical trials, many Americans are worried that they have not been thoroughly investigated for side effects. To be forced to take a fourth dosage of something like that should be cause for concern, but this is exactly what the Pfizer CEO was pushing for. But the Pfizer CEO was roasted on social media after claiming 4th COVID shot is necessary.

Pfizer CEO Roasted On Social Media After Claiming 4th COVID Shot Is Necessary

The CEO of Pfizer has been mocked after announcing that a fourth COVID injection is “necessary” owing to the injection’s decreasing immunity.

On Sunday, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that “most people” would need a fourth experimental COVID-19 injection, while acknowledging that his company’s treatment doesn’t quite guarantee long-term immunity against the extremely survivable coronavirus.

“Right now, the protection that you’re getting from the third [shot], it is good enough — actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths — it’s not that good against infections, but doesn’t last very long,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Sunday, told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that “most people” would need a fourth experimental COVID-19 injection, while acknowledging that his company’s treatment doesn’t quite guarantee long-term immunity against the extremely survivable coronavirus.

According to Bourla, a fourth dosage of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is described as, “it is necessary for most” patients. In recent months, data shows that jabbed individuals have topped COVID hospitalizations and deaths over the world.

Bourla further disclosed that his company is developing new vaccines that will defend against the milder “omicron variant” and, unlike the existing product, will last “over a year.”

Doctors and other public figures turned to social media shortly after Bourla’s words were publicized in the media, mocking the CEO and questioning his genuine reason for pressing for a fourth dosage.

“Necessary for what?” Dr. Eli David said, attaching an emoji of a happy face with dollar signs in its eyes to imply Bourla is pressing for a fourth shot because he wants to make more money, not just because he cares about the public’s health.

“Soon quarterly boosters will be necessary… not so much for prevention of COVID but to boost Pfizer’s quarterly earnings,” added Donald Trump Jr.

“Let’s make a deal: Since there’s no emergency, drop the EUA on your product, assume liability when someone gets injured or dies because of your product (after all, you care so much about the well-being of others), and let the fourth dose roll,” chimed in a third person, American author Garret Kramer.

Governments all throughout the world have granted Pfizer immunity from prosecution in respect to their COVID-19 vaccines, as Kramer indicated. In other words, if a person is wounded or killed as a result of Pfizer’s novel injections, the pharmaceutical behemoth is protected from legal proceedings.

This financial and legal immunity has sparked widespread skepticism, not only because Bourla has become a billionaire since the launch of his company’s vaccine and is thus motivated to try and force more doses, but also because COVID vaccines have already been connected to millions of injury issues and thousands of deaths (read below). Meanwhile, the COVID vaccines are not only being promoted and sold to the general population, but they are also being enforced by many governments and huge corporations.

Several critics are also concerned about Pfizer’s past behavior. Pfizer was required to stump up a $2.3 billion settlement in 2009, the largest pharmaceutical settlement in the US Department of Justice’s history at the time, “to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products.”

Even the use of the word “vaccine” to characterize Pfizer’s injections has been questioned. COVID vaccines are referred to as “gene therapy” by Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology. Likewise, Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceutical Division, stated that the innovative mRNA COVID “vaccines” are essentially “cell and gene therapy” which would have been dismissed by the general public if not for the “pandemic” and positive advertising.

Professor Christian Perronne, a well-known French infectious disease expert, agrees, saying that “the products they call ‘vaccines’ for Covid-19 are not really vaccines” and should be referred to as “genetic modifiers.”

Given the vaccines’ rushed clinical trials, many Americans are worried that they have not been thoroughly investigated for side effects, and some have moral concerns regarding the use of cells from aborted fetuses in their production.

Others believe they are unneeded because COVID-19 has a high survivability rate throughout most groups, has a minimal risk of asymptomatic dissemination, and research shows that natural immunity is sufficiently effective against reinfection.

Read the full document below:


3 Responses

  1. Murder is one thing. Premeditated murder for profit is another. It is time to bring back the death penalty for politicians, doctors, CEO’s who sell rat, and people, poison as medicine.
    We know who they are here in Ottawa: Trudeau, Ford and what’s her name? I should think you now know who they are in Washington and the State Capitols.
    A death penalty should be a serious inducement for profiteers who murder to change their ways. What say?

  2. Government & Pharmaceutical Corporations: “If you are still alive, you need another shot.”

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