A two year old baby has died within six days of taking the second shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in the ongoing experimental clinical trials on more than 10,000 children under the age of 5 to 11.

UPDATE: CDC Acts On GreatGameIndia Report, Removes VAERS Entry Without Providing Details

Two Year Old Baby Died Within Six Days Of Taking Second Shot Of Pfizer Vaccine In Clinical Trials

Pfizer and Moderna are going through clinical trials for their mRNA shots on more than 10,000 children as young as six months old. The trials of these vaccines started in mid-March.

Moderna refers to its study as KidCOVE. The children are also being used as guinea pig by Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca.

Meanwhile, its possible the parents of these children are unaware of these facts.

Michelle Lynam is the current Dr. United States of America, an anesthesiologist in Midlothian, Virginia. She posts videos on Facebook sneaking over experimental shots. She is also subjecting her children to these experimental shots.

Lynam registered her two teenage daughters for clinical trials of Pfizer. She enrolled her six year old daughter for clinical trial of Moderna.

Clinical Research Partners in Richmond, Virginia is facilitating the guinea pig trial of children by Moderna in the state.

There is very low possibility that people would know about any negative results of these trials. However, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) provide an insight on the effects of the experimental mRNA shots on these children.

A two-year-old girl received her second (Dose 2) experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on February 25. She apparently developed some sort of serious adverse reaction on March 1. The baby was dead on March 3. No further details were provided.

Two Year Old Baby Died Within Six Days Of Taking Second Shot Of Pfizer Vaccine In Clinical Trials

The mainstream media is silent on this issue, so is the CDC. The incident should be investigated by CDC immediately.

The baby had been hospitalized for 17 days, or since February 14, according to VAERS. Thus the baby was  perhaps sick from the first shot. But someone administered the second shot anyway.

Further, no experimental shots are authorized for use in babies and children under age 16 in the United States.

Even, their own promotion says the vaccination trials were for children from age 5 to 11. So, how come a 2 year old baby got vaccinated?

As reported by GreatGameIndia, German scientists have recently found the exact 2 step process how the mRNA based COVID-19 vaccine causes blood clots in recipients.

Meanwhile, the US CDC and FDA have lifted their recommended pause on use of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine with a condition that it will now include a safety label warning that its vaccine comes with blood clot risks.

For reporting extensively on the blood clots controversy, GreatGameIndia is being targeted and being accused of spreading misinformation for the flimsy reason that our tweets were shared widely after the controversy.

19 Responses

  1. I read this and wept. Children that age should NEVER be given any vaccines. Shame on the parents who allowed such a thing to happen. Now, they are paying with broken hearts. How sad is that. These vaccines contain aluminum, mercury, and formaldehyde. Why on earth would anyone allow themselves to be injected with these poisons??

  2. Mothers of this children’s are worst then Saitan
    Allowing to ingect them with this poison.

  3. Those medics who get away with giving under age children(under 16) when the law clearly states such children in the US are not to be given untested vaccines, should get the electrtic chair.

  4. You have a real valid point there, Terri Jackson; those medics who get away with giving underage children (under 16), when the law clearly states such children here in the US aren’t to be given untested vaccines, should be arrested, charged with crimes against humanity and violating the Nuremberg Code, and prosecuted for these crimes .. And, if found guilty, be either executed or sent to GITMO. I prefer sending them to GITMO.

  5. All meida whores, Fauci, Gates and all politicians who allowed this kill shots, will be charged with murder and treason . This ie beyond criminals. How stupid are those parents who took kids for the KILL SHOTS !!!

  6. i don’t doubt that this could happen, but anyone can submit a VAERS report. Any independent verification of this?

  7. Do we know for sure this child had the actual vaccine, these trials are always split into 3 groups only one of which gets the actual vaccine being tested …. I have to say though I’m not anti vac but I wouldn’t let my children be used as Guinea pigs for anything drug related

  8. All participants should be charged with murder, the parents too. What a sick fucked up shithole the Zusa is.

  9. Anybody can, you’re right. However, falsifying a report to VAERS is a federal offence and carries a jail term. You also need a lot of information, Dr’s name, clinic administering etc making it difficult to file a false report. I’m sure it does happen, but I think it’s unlikely

  10. I don’t understand everyone’s panic to get vaccinated. I’ve had the covid virus. It is a puny virus. It attacked me for 6 days…some stomach distress…no respiratory problems (I’ve had 2 pneumonia vaccines), slight fever, taste buds went on strike, fluids for 6 days, some weakness. I’ve had the Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, and SARS x 2. Covid doesn’t even compare to the Asian flu.

  11. Shame on them indeed. Child abuse 🙁 These children are not giving their permission to have poison injected into them. It’s scandalous, but who will be held responsible?

  12. I searched for VAERS ID 1074247 on the VAERS database myself. No such number is present in their database. Could be they removed it I suppose but this article is also stating the child was given the two shots as part of Pfizer’s vaccine trials on children in late February and early March. When I search for when did the Pfizer trails for their covid vaccine begin for children under 12 I’m seeing they started in April. Mind you I don’t trust the government or their health agencies and I’d sooner drink gasoline with a lit cigarette in my mouth as get one of these jabs myself.

    That said fake news can be a two way street and liars hurt our cause to stop forced vaccines on children. They should be exposed. Someone explain to me, give the above, how is this story true?

  13. This is completely false information. KidCove trials did not commence until March 15. The VAERS report above (ID 1074247) does not exist. This is fear mongering to the highest degree. Stop believing everything you hear about or read on these garbage “news” outlets. It’s ridiculous.

  14. I found the incident by doing a search. The VAERS number the search came up with is 1255745. Same date of death, age, etc.

  15. Yeah except these fact checking sites are literally all disonformation propaghandists stop beliveing the dogma of clearly corrupt academic and scientific community and take into consideration drs who put their life on the line to expose alarming information

  16. Details for VAERS ID: 1261766-1

    Event Information
    Patient Age: 1.00
    Sex: Male
    State / Territory Florida
    Date Report Completed 2021-04-27
    Date Vaccinated 2021-04-08 Date Report Received 2021-04-27
    Date of Onset 2021-04-10 Date Died 2021-04-10
    Days to onset 2
    Vaccine Administered By Unknown Vaccine Purchased By Not Applicable *
    Mfr/Imm Project Number NONE Report Form Version 2
    Recovered No Serious Yes

    Vaccine Type Vaccine Manufacturer Lot Dose Route Site
    Adverse Event Description
    increased body temperature, seizure, death

  17. there can be no doubt – that these children have been kidnapped by the social services – taken into ‘care’ on slim claims, granted by freemason peodo satanist judges and the children in the hand of these evil stranger are now being used as death camp victims…

    The way to stop the covid genocide/holocaust is to shut down the media machine – we need to get these TV/Newspaper journalists who are leading innocent but gullible people to their death. Identify these media murders and and bring them to court – they know they are lying about the truth – it not ok! when it leads people to their deaths – than its murder.

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