According to the whistleblower scientists, Pfizer is run by COVID money now and that ‘Your Antibodies are Probably Better than the Vaccination’.

Pfizer Is Run By Covid Money Now Says Whistleblower Scientist

Project Veritas released the fourth video (watch below) in its COVID vaccine investigative series today which exposed three Pfizer officials saying that antibodies lead to equal, if not better, protection against the virus compared to the vaccine.

Nick Karl, a scientist who is directly involved in the production of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, said that natural immunity is more effective than the very vaccine he works on, and Pfizer produces.

“When somebody is naturally immune — like they got COVID — they probably have more antibodies against the virus…When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus…So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination,” Karl said.

Notwithstanding, Karl still believes that vaccine mandates are positive for society.

“The city [of New York] needs like vax cards and everything. It’s just about making it so inconvenient for unvaccinated people to the point where they’re just like, ‘F*ck it. I’ll get it.’ You know?”

A second Pfizer official, Senior Associate Scientist, Chris Croce, corroborated Karl’s assertion about COVID immunity derivative of antibodies:

“I still feel like I work for an evil corporation because it comes down to profits in the end. I mean, I’m there to help people, not to make millions and millions of dollars.

So, I mean, that’s the moral dilemma. Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now.”

The third Pfizer scientist, Rahul Khandke, admitted his company demands that its employees keep information from the public.

“We’re bred and taught to be like, ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ Honestly, we had to do so many seminars on this.

You have no idea. Like, we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to like — be like, ‘you cannot talk about this in public,’” Khandke said.

Khandke also signaled that proof of antibodies is on par with proof of vaccination.

“If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up,” he said.

Watch video below:

Leaked internal documents suggest that Pfizer does not mandate coronavirus vaccination of its employees. Other companies meanwhile, are being mandated to vaccinate their employees forcefully.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, Pfizer manipulated COVID vaccine trial protocols to obtain emergency FDA authorisation for children.

Meanwhile, an inquiry has been launched into the secret talks that took place between EU Commission Chief and Pfizer CEO for the sale of vaccines.

Earlier this year GreatGameIndia reported how the pharma giant Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to ransom making bizarre demands asking for bank reserves, embassy buildings and military bases as collateral in return for COVID-19 vaccines.

Pfizer even wanted India to order its COVID-19 vaccines without any local trials.

Moreover, governments have signed secret agreements with coronavirus vaccine manufacturers as per which the pharma companies cannot be held legally in case of an adverse reaction to the vaccine or in worst case if a patient dies from the vaccine.

In contrast, the US government paid over $57 million in compensation for vaccine injuries and deaths till March 2020 alone.

5 Responses

  1. Like totally, like these so-called like scientists from like Pfizer who like totally went to all these like seminars about like withholding information like from the public and stuff, and who like insist that like natural immunity is like better than the quaxxine, but like STILL think mandates are like a great thing and all that, seriously like don’t dound very bright. “Like” sound like complete fucking morons rather than scirntists. Do these Pfizer like whistleblowers “Scientists” from Pfizer hold high positions, … loke floor flusher ??? Like you know what I mean? (Extreme Sarc)
    Couldn’t even bother to “like” watch the video after just reading the text.

  2. People who post here should be respectful to other posters, no matter who they are or what they say. There’s nothing funny about nCOV2 or the purported vaccines. We especially need teenagers and even children to visit GGI. Imho articles posted here have been as important as India’s many other contributions.

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