Leaked internal documents suggest that Pfizer does not mandate coronavirus vaccination of its employees. Other companies meanwhile, are being mandated to vaccinate their employees forcefully.

Leaked pfizer vaccine employees

Images of a “confidential” Pfizer booklet written by Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Payal Betcher indicate the company has defied US President Joe Biden’s push to have private companies mandate vaccination and only requires testing of its unvaccinated employees.

“Please note that if you have declared you are not been vaccinated, decline to declare your status, or have a medial or a religious accommodation, Pfizer will require that you participate in a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing regimen,” images of the literature read.

The leaked documents come after Biden met with airline executives to convince them to mandate vaccinations for their employees.

“But companies have wrestled with the extent of their authority to require shots,” Reuters reported. “Among the concerns is the possibility that companies will be exposed to discrimination lawsuits as they call staff back to their desks after 18 months of pandemic-induced work from home.”

“I will have their backs and the backs of other private and public sector leaders if they take such steps,” he said on August 3.

According to a survey by consultants at Mercer studying over 200 American companies, 14 percent require staff to be vaccinated to work in the office.

Biden stated Wednesday he has federal government lawyers looking into if he can mandate vaccinations for all Americans.

“People are dying and will die who don’t have to die. If you’re out there unvaccinated, you don’t have to die,” he said July 29.

Meanwhile, around 160 San Francisco Sheriffs Deputies are threatening to resign and seek employment elsewhere or opt for early retirement due to the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy.

San Francisco officials recently announced that all city employees will have to be vaccinated or face possible termination.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, numerous members of the U.S. military also said that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.

According to a Pentagon report almost 75% of US troops refused taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Addressing the allegation of a cover-up, the spokesperson for the agency, John Kirby informed the news outlets about the reason for the lack of exact data.

According to a survey more than half of Americans do not want COVID-19 vaccine.

In India, the Indian Air Force has been served a show cause notice by the Gujarat High Court for forcing to dismiss an officer after he refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine stating that he was using ayurvedic medicines suggested by the AYUSH ministry to increase his immunity against COVID-19.

The officer who challenged his termination in the Gujarat High Court has succeeded in getting a stay from the court.

On the other hand French Vaccine Police have started patrolling the streets of Paris enforcing a Virus Pass and slapping fines as high as 9,000 Euros.

6 Responses

  1. …is it TRUE that fmr Sec of State John Kerry & climate guru Greta Thunberg secretly run Biden’s vaccination policy from behind closed doors !?? ……. …..shalom,a.j.

  2. It will be the Unvaccinated that will be 100% alive if they live on their own or none of their family got the toxic jab as the transmission is also killing people. Pfizer and all the other Eugenics Manufacturers know exactly will wipe out their staff that’s why will not make it Mandatory. Very hard to Depopulate the human race when they wipe out their own staff to make and roll out these Toxic Vials. I’m so surprised why people even risk their lives by accepting these Toxic jabs. Millions are going to seriously regret that decision by then it’s game over for them!

  3. The experts who promote vaccines do so from what has passed in the last 7 months, since these vaccines were introduced – experts cannot predict what the future holds, because there is not one, at this stage, mRNA vaccines, have never been used in humans before and nobody knows with any certainty, how safe they are in the longer term, or what their true intention is.

    It has been rumored that those vaccinated, irrespective of the brand, won’t be alive in 3 years time and the purpose of vaccines is to put Graphine into people, so that they can be connected to 5G and monitored offsite, the Covid pandemic and Biden’s emergency protocol, were the means by which that has been made possible and those who manufacture these vaccines are testing how much Graphine a body can take before it dies, bearing in mind that everyone who has had the vaccines, volunteered to be test subjects for that to happen, thus skirting the Geneva Convention.

    That some people, after vaccinations, were able to remain healthy after a Coronavirus infection and not get Covid was an unexpected bonus, but which suggests to me, they got a common cold Coronavirus and thus got well again afterwards and they missed out on the Delta variant – this time.

    Putting booster shots into people just give the vaccine makers an opportunity to up the Graphene shots and see how people manage their health after 2 previous shots and if it is best to introduce smaller doses of Graphene over more shots, than a lot all between the first 2 shots – weeks apart.

    Pfizer does not mandate shots amongst its employers, because they like we, know their true purpose is not what has been published and why lose key personnel they can’t easily replace, when they don’t need too?


    Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee, confirms covid vaxxxines are poison.
    Nice of her to bring some science, to the growing pile of bodies.

    DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’ (rumble.com)

    Transcript of the interview:

    Stew Peters: “Well we have gone back and forth with fact-checkers – some independent researchers who have attempted to debunk the findings of Spanish researchers called La Quinta Columna, originally broken here on the Stew Peters Show by Dr. Jane Ruby. That video revealing that graphene oxide, a toxic substance – a poison! was found in the Pfizer vaccines. Those researchers later found that the same applied to Moderna and AstraZeneca, is now being tested as a result of our reporting. The truth is here.

    USA Today and Lead Stories, all funded by the cabal, were all over me, all over Dr. Jane Ruby, and out and out calling us liars for reporting those findings to the world in a video that has now soared over well I think about a million views on Rumble.

    We have sought the input of many medical experts, world-renowned doctors, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. David Martin, they have all confirmed that report. But despite all of that confirmation, the assaults on our truth continue.

    On twitter, you may have recently been following the hashtag ‘pfizerleak’ [#pfizerleak]. We want to know what’s in them. We want to know if it was pre-planned. Who’s behind all of it. We want to know what to believe, so today we’re going to get the confirmation that we need.

    It’s hard to fact-check documents. It’s hard to fact-check publicly discoverable propriotary ingredients. It’s hard to fact-check Karen Kingston. She is a former Pfizer employee, currently an analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

    Karen, thank you so much for being here. We really appreciate your bravery. We admire your desire to expose the truth behind what appears to be, to me at least, one of the most, if not THE most, evil agenda mankind has ever been subject to.”

    Karen Kingston @1:50: “Well, thank you for giving me a platform to share my findings and to spread the truth. And you’re right, it is extremely difficult to find this information and link it together. I do have a unique set of skills, this is what I do in the industry; I analyse intellectual property, the legal landscape, for both physicians, pharma and consumers, and then I’m also a scientific writer and do the clinical analysis as well. So you can’t expect everyone to have that skill set to find this information, and the truth is I’m – you know, the whole do your own research was born out of the reality that the mainstream media has been lying to us and big tech and social media have been blocking the truth. And that’s why people have had to do their own research.
    And that’s – that violates our first amendment.”

    SP: “Is graphene oxide in these shots?”

    KK: “100% it is, and it’s irrefutable.”

    Stew Peters @2:38: “So, just lay it out there. Is graphene oxide in these shots?”

    Karen Kingston: “100% it is, and it’s irrefutable. And I’ll walk you through it.
    So, what’s really important to know is that all of the mRNA vaccines contain what’s called a PEGylated lipid nanoparticle. And that’s what we’re going to go through. So if you take a look at the Moderna patent, it says, right there, that this contains lipid nanoparticle formulation. And as you go through the patent, which I’ll show you, they specifically talk about various ingredients and various PEGylated formulations that have alpha-numeric codes. And then you can also find them in the filings with the FDA with the IND [investigational new drug] and phase 3 trials for both Moderna and Pfizer. And you can also find them, you know, across the pond with the UK filings. I hope that’s making sense so far.

    So here’s the important thing about the patent. I read the patent; it’s 193 pages plus attachments. And I read the patent to look for graphene oxide. It is not listed in the patent because it is a trade secret. So remember Bill Gates saying that there was a trade secret? Trade secrets are not, you know, privy to the public, so they cannot be in the patent. So graphene oxide is not listed in the patent, and it lists everything BUT that. But I’m still going to show you evidence that these contain graphene oxide and the patent in China that shows they contain graphene oxide.”

    Stew Peters: “So let me just ask you, why would they put every other ingredient on the patent, with the exception of the standalone, graphene oxide? Why would they not put that on there?”
    Karen Kingston: “I would say the number one reason is because it’s poisonous to humans and well-known that it’s poisonous to humans.

    Yeah, and the other reason is because it is the main ingredient in hydrogel, which is the liquid, you know, AI template that’s used for some of Elon Musk’s, you know, research and Bill Gates, as far as that creating an interface between humans and, you know, the internet, if you will.”
    Stew Peters: “So there is a legitimate theory that these shots are actually designed to create some sort of connectivity between humans, 5G – whatever this is, controlling your thoughts, your memories, all of these things, I mean, those are realistic and plausible possibilities?”

    Theory: Humans as guinea pigs | Injecting people with as much graphene oxide as possible before they die.

    Karen Kingston @4:56: “That’s not possible with this round. They rushed this thing out. They’re just seeing, you know, how much they can put into people before they die, I think, honestly.”

    Stew Peters: “So this is a dose finding study? Basically a live dose finding study, and those that are dying or multiple sclerosis, Guillan-Barre, these tremors, the magnetism, all these things – “
    Karen Kingston: “Well remember, we’re supposed to get boosters every 6 months. So we’re gonna get graphene oxide boosters every 6 months, to see how much we can build up in the system. We’ll go through this, because when you see the nations that are being injected, we’re the guinea pigs, you know, and so once they perfect this technology, I think there’s a second plan. I actually am not super comfortable talking about this stuff, because I don’t like to, you know, opinions on things, you know, and hypothesize, so I’d rather just stick to the data, if that’s okay.

    So if you take a look at chemical and engineering news, there is these non peer-reviewed journals, we call them RAGS in the industry, every industry has it. And it’s basically, you know, the whales of the industry, the who’s who, and they just kind of brag about what they’re doing. So this article talks about the PEGylated lipid nanoparticles that are in all the COVID-19 vaccines. And there’s 4 lipids. And I’ll go over this.

    So the first lipid is cholesterol, and that’s, our body loves cholesterol, it makes it go through the blood. Then there’s a phospholipid; the phospholipid adheres to the cell membrane, so that allows permeability to enter the cell membrane. There’s an ionizable lipid, so that gives it a positive ionic charge to help penetrate the mRNA to get into the cell. And then there’s the PEGylated lipid.
    And so the reason why they created these is because mRNA is very unstable. Whether it’s synthetic or zoonic, which means it’s from an animal, you know, or a human. It’s very unstable. 80 degree weather kills it. Sunlight kills it. If you breathe on it, it dies. I mean, and researchers all say this.

    It’s just – it rarely gets past the nasopharynx area of any healthy individual. It just – you know, your saliva kills it. It cannot survive on its own, so it needed this kind of biosphere that they created for it. And that’s why we have these four lipids and then they put the graphene oxide.

    Now what’s interesting about the graphene oxide is that it’s 4,000 times stronger than titanium, and can withstand seventeen hundred degree fahrenheit temperature. So we took this very unstable virus, single helix virus, and we made it indestructible. Or “we”… they made it indestructible. So the PEGylated lipids, if you take a look, it’s ‘peg’: PEG, they’re made by a company called SINOPEG, which is [SINOPEG], and they’re located in China.

    Now, how did I find this out? Well if you take a look at the Pfizer EUA filing, they list the 4 lipids – they have 2 lipids, each of which have 4 lipids of them in there, and so does Moderna. And Moderna’s is called – it’s called a Material Safety Data Sheet, this is what they use in industrial products. And it has a cast number, and there’s is SM102 for Moderna; and then if you go to Pfizer’s filing with the UK, the number – the 2 lipids that are in there, are called ALC0315 and ALC0159.

    So, when I googled MSDS cast, don’t ask how I know all this information, and I put in some of those numbers, I found SINOPEG. I didn’t find SINOPEG by googling SINOPEG. I literally put in the MSDS number. And so if you go to the website, you’ll see the, you know, extremely long, like I don’t know, hundred alpha-numeric name of each of these lipids. And you’ll see it under a tab called COVID-19 Excipients. And it says ‘polyethylene glycol PEG 2000’, right? And then here you’ll see it’s ALC0159, and this company is located in China. And then if you pull from the patent, from the Moderna patent, it lists out all the different polyethylene glycol 200, PEG 200, PEG 2,000, and you will find those listed under the COVID-19 Excipients in SINOPEG.

    So… it’s right there. It’s manufactured in China. And so, there’s other vaccines that are mRNA vaccines that are not being sold in the United States. You can find those excipients here too, by the cast number, the Material Safety Data Sheet cast number. Graphene oxide as a conductor of electricity | “positive charge annihilates anything that it comes in contact with”

    Karen Kingston @9:15: And so if you want to know what is graphene, you know, what they explain here on SINOPEG, is, it is the ‘core-shell structure polyethylene glycol functionalized graphene for energy-storage polymer dielectrics: combined mechanical and dielectric performances’.
    So what that means is that graphene is a conductor – it can be a conductor of electricity. If it has a positive charge, and this is in all the – some of the studies from the NIH and Moderna and stuff, if graphene gets a positive charge, it annihilates anything that it comes in contact with. Right now they’re not charged. They’re neutralized.

    You know, well like, how does a positive charge get into the cell? That’s that other lipid. That ionizable lipid that gives it the positive charge for cell penetration. But these currently are not – they’re neutral, they have a neutral field. But if they are, if there’s an electrical magnetic field that activates a positive charge, potentially there’ll be damage and potentially death, depending on where these nanoparticles ended up in people’s bodies and how much of them did.”

    Stew Peters: “So it’s apparent to me that they’re lying, to the world. (Karen Kingston: “Yeah.”) They’re trying to hide this; this is the secret ingredient. Lead Stories, USA Today, and all these other publications fact-checking this program, it appears to me that they are out and out lying. We’re going to get to who’s in on all of this in a minute, because I’m going to ask you, but, why are they using this graphene oxide? It’s a toxic substance, it’s poisonous. Why would – why are they using it?”

    Karen Kingston: “Because it’s a great conductor of electricity and it can host magnetic field. So it can literally – it can connect you to the internet. That’s why.”

    Stew Peters: “All right. I just wanted to make sure that I was clear on that. Because I know that you’re not comfortable opining opinions, things like that, but I just wanted to make sure factually that that’s what it can do, that’s what it’s capable of doing.”

    Karen Kingston: “Yeah, and I mean, I haven’t had the chance, but I could probably go into some tech publications and AI publications, and we can find more information on how graphene oxide is a great electromagnetic – “ Graphene oxide is poisonous/toxic – Who’s responsible for it being in the vaccines?

    Stew Peters @11:24: “Well the bottom line is that it’s poisonous. It’s poisonous
    (Karen Kingston: “It is poisonous.”)
    – it annihilates if it has a positive charge; it annihilates anything that it comes into contact with. It’s toxic for humans, it should not be in there and it is. That is what I needed to know. Who’s behind this? That’s what I’d like to know. Who’s behind all of this?”

    Karen Kingston: “Well, I don’t… so, hold on, I didn’t put this in here but, there’s a company called Shanghai Nanotech, and they filed a patent, and you can – for graphene oxide for the use in COVID-19 excipients, and this is a meeting of them at their headquarters and that looks like, I think his name is Tal Zaks, the chief technology officer for Moderna, and if you go to the World Health Organization website, there is a page where they talk about how the global world needs to work together on these COVID-19 vaccines.

    It’s from some time last year. And you’ll see the usual suspects there. You’ll see like Peter Daszak and the names from Moderna and several names from the NIH and NIAID, so… there is a large group of billionaires and millionaires, many many times over that have coordinated for the development and execution of these products.”

    Stew Peters: “So you knowing this, you bringing this confirmation, why would the – I guess, I mean this is opinion, so you can just tell me if you’re not comfortable answering this, but I gotta ask, why would people like President Trump, Ron DeSantis, Sean Hannity, what do they have in – what stake in the game do they have? How do they not know this stuff? They have – I mean…”
    Attempts to expose these vaccines as bioweapons are silenced/censored.

    Karen Kingston @13:05: “No, there’s no way they can know this stuff. I want to be…[long pause], when I – sorry, when I found out, when I read this information, I didn’t know a woman could cry as hard as I cried. So I sent an email out on May 26th, to about 30 outlets with this information; I sent an email summarizing that these are bioweapons. I even spoke to – and I don’t mean to be disparaging to anybody, I even spoke to American Frontline Doctors and stuff and after I spoke to them, you know, some of the doctors still went on saying, “Oh, as long as you’re – if you’re under 30 you shouldn’t get the vaccine.”

    And I called them up and I’m like, “What the hell are you doing? These are bioweapons.” They’re like, “We can’t say that.“ So the cognitive dissonance of the depravity and the evil of these “vacc” – injections, is very difficult for anyone to understand. And you have to also understand that for the whole year and a half these were being developed, anyone that came out and said, “Hey, this virus isn’t that bad”, they were mocked, they were ridiculed, they were ostracized, doctors were threatened to have their license taken away. So the truth couldn’t get out there. And then when people, anyone that was questioning about the speed for any of these vaccines to market, the need for them, even the FDA documents, they talk about “Hey, we don’t think someone under 18 should get these things. We’re worried about viral shedding.” If you show this like here – the manufacturing section of the application is redacted!

    No one in good conscience should have approved this. But there is such brainwashing going on, such control of what basically the big tech wanted us to know as “the truth”, which was a bunch of lies, that it’s very difficult then for when someone says to you, “this is what’s going on”, to believe it.

    I would compare it to anyone that’s been in a marriage where they had a spouse that was cheating on them. Your friends can tell you they’re cheating, there’s tons of evidence, but you are not going to believe it. You’re not going to believe all your trusted – all your trusted advisors have been telling you this stuff is safe, everything on the media says it’s safe, and then someone says “No. It’s actually lethal, and this is a planned, you know, planned genocide.” It’s impossible to believe.

    Stew Peters: “Wow.”

    Karen Kingston: “Does that make sense?”
    Questioning people’s complicity with these agendas

    Stew Peters @15:25: “Yeah, and, you know, I’m just, I’m having a hard time. I mean, honestly, I mean, I’m a human. You know. And so just knowing people that have subjected themselves to this inoculation; knowing how hard, how difficult it is to have a conversation with somebody, doing what I do, downloading to my brain, terabytes of information, every single day. Trying to determine what’s real, what’s not, what’s mis- and what’s dis-information? Who’s deep state, who’s trying to throw me off, who’s controlled opposition?

    You know, I mean it really – it happens. It sounds like some kind of a sci-fi movie, but you’re living in it, so you understand. I’m just trying to process all of this as you’re saying it. And I’m imagining, you know, people in the media. You know, I’m imagining, you know, people that they don’t understand that there are billions of lives at stake, or maybe they do, which makes it even worse. Because they’re complicit in this. They’re part of this – the carrying on of this.

    And then, I think about everybody who’s going to be mandated; these shots. Um, listen, I’ve – Karen, I got an email this morning. I got an email this morning from a very concerned mother, of a young woman, who is going to be attending a Christian college in South Carolina. And they’re going to mandate this thing for her. 18 year old young woman with her entire life ahead of her. And she’s just one of millions of stories like this that are happening here in this country. What we’re doing to our young people. Poisoning them.

    And so, then you got healthcare workers. I mean, I have a dozen emails in the last 48 hours from nurses, healthcare workers, doctors, people who are working at these facilities, in these clinics at these hospitals that are going to be mandated this. They don’t want to do it, they need help! And, you know, the DOJ is telling everybody that they can do this. The governors can mandate this, that businesses can mandate this. And so…” “There’s no benefit to your health when you get injected;
    the only thing it can do is poison, harm and kill.”

    Karen Kingston @17:15: “Well, the DOJ – just because someone says something, especially in this current administration, doesn’t make it true. Okay? The DOJ can say, “We recommend this is mandated. We’re saying that this is – we mandate these vaccines.” But I, you know, it’s a memo, I read the memo, okay? It’s a memo that was written by Dawn Johnsen. She’s the acting assistant attorney general to the president, saying that, under title code 21, section 564, you can – private companies and local governments can mandate the vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization.
    Her interpretation is reckless, and it has no merit. So it’s just an opinion. It is not enforceable.

    Period. You know. And on top of that, what’s happened with these vaccines, or these injections, these EUA injections, not only is all the campaign and the propaganda a bunch of lies to terrify people into getting injected, which is a violation of human rights in and of itself, on top of that, she doesn’t mention title code 21 in her memo, which is what this falls under, because they violated 4 other sections of that title code under drug safety: drug and vaccine safety.

    They have, under section 502, it’s false and misleading labelling, because this thing is NOT a vaccine, there’s no benefit to your health when you get injected; the only thing it can do is poison, harm and kill. So there’s false and misleading l. It doesn’t tell you that it contains graphene oxide. Adulterated drugs and devices, it also violates section 501, which again, adulterated drugs and devices is if it includes a toxin, which is the graphene oxide.

    It also violates section 312.23 under initial new drug application. So if you go through an IND, you have to prove safety in animals before you move on to humans. They signed a letter of intent for pregnant rats. If that doesn’t make you furious, and we’re injecting pregnant women? And under the IND it says that if there is shedding, if there is risk to people of child-bearing age, then you need to stop the trial.

    We KNOW there is shedding. We KNOW there is risk to child-bearing age. And the FDA even talks about it in their protein therapy and oncolytic virus that treatments that shedding is a real thing and you need to do animal studies first, then you need to do phase 1 human studies, and if there is, you know, if there is shedding, then you need to come up with controlled measures so that you don’t infect the un-injected. Which is what’s going on right now. They also violate section 312.42, which is clinical research holds and request for modifications. So that says if any of these things, I said, there’s at least 3 dozen, you need to stop the trials.”
    Difference between trials of the past, and the COVID injections

    Stew Peters @20:08: “Trials have been stopped when 25 people die; when 6 beagle dogs die.”
    Karen Kingston: “They were supposed to have stopped the trials when they did the mice study, and all the mice – 80% died in 24 hours, and the rest died by the end of the week. […] They should’ve stopped the trials – “

    Stew Peters: “But there is no threshold here. Is there? I mean – that’s the bottom line. There is no threshold. It doesn’t matter how many people die, they will continue this incessant push, won’t they?”

    Karen Kingston: “Until American people speak up, and say ‘Enough is enough. Stop it!’ They will keep pushing us until, you know, they basically wipe out America. And they’re going after the children. Which is what is so disheartening. There is a – there will be no posterity. There will be no America. You know, if people of child-bearing age become infertile, and then children are at most risk for having serious adverse events and death from these injections. I mean, just look at the myocarditis numbers. They’re 1 to 25,000 reported, we know that’s at least 10%, which would be 1 in 2500, and it’s probably more like 1 in 250, which would be 4% of children are getting – having decades taken off their life or dying.

    By Derek Knauss August 6, 2021

  4. Vaccines don’t work (much) and you are left to your own devices, if vaccinated or unvaccinated when you get your next doses of Coronavirus Delta, or the latest variant Lambda and Delta combined, which gets around the vaccines you have taken, so it has been reported and you die.

    We all need a backup plan, which we can rely on to keep us safe, not some quackery of medications which might stop the inevitable from happening and costing you even more, to try and save your lives.

    My suggestion to each of you who read this, is to do my free salt water cure which I enclose below, to the letter and you won’t get Covd anything, having killed off the Coronavirus, your head first, needs to have, for Covid later to happen:

    “Even so, a key issue is that the current vaccines block severe disease but do not prevent infection, said Dr. Gregory Poland, a vaccine scientist at the Mayo Clinic. That is because the virus is still capable of replicating in the nose, even among vaccinated people, who can then transmit the disease through tiny, aerosolized droplets”
    Reuters – what my free salt water cure stops.

    The Achilles Heel of Coronavirus, is while it is still in the developing stage as Coronavirus/Covid in the warm, wet areas inside the nasal passages of your head (nose) and before it gets to become Covid in your head and lungs, 10 to 14 days later. If Coronavirus is not treated with my free salt clean water cure to flush out your nasal passages, as soon as possible, or during self isolation, it becomes Covid, which is where the money is. You cannot catch Covid! Always breathe through your nose and keep your mouth shut, because you really don’t want the Coronavirus to seed itself in your lungs!! My free salt water cure has “absolutely nothing” to do with mRNA test vaccines. Treating Coronavirus with my free salt clean water cure, flushes out the nasal cavity and kills Coronavirus, before it gets to be Covid, irrespective of if you have had mRNA vaccines or not. Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm or cold clean water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives. If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity. While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfulls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Bronchitis there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done. Pour some of the solution on a flat surface and allow to dry and see what you have then. This is what coats the nasal passages in your head and kills Coronavirus/Covid off. You can see why it is so effective. This is what I have done for the past 26.5 years and I am NEVER ill, nor do you need to be either.

    Share it around and get as many people who are willing to do it, to do it and you will note I get NOTHING out of this at all, which is how it should always have been.

    Keep safe. Richard

  5. “Biden stated Wednesday he has federal government lawyers looking into if he can mandate vaccinations for all Americans.”

    What federal lawyers need to be looking into is the mental state of Biden. He isn’t lucid enough to find his own bathroom

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