Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.

160,000 Side Effects From Pfizer COVID Vaccine Recorded In Initial Months Of Rollout Reveals FDA Documents

The documents were obtained by a group of doctors, professors, and journalists calling themselves Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, who filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FDA for their release.

The first tranche of documents (read below) reveal that, as of February 2021, when Pfizer’s shot was being rolled out worldwide on an emergency basis, the drugmaker had compiled more than 42,000 case reports detailing nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to the jab.

These reactions ranged from the mild to the severe, and 1,223 were fatal. The majority of these case reports involved people aged between 31 and 50 in the United States.

More than 25,000 nervous system disorders were reported, along with 17,000 musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders and 14,000 gastrointestinal disorders. A range of different autoimmune conditions were reported, along with some peculiar maladies, including 270 “spontaneous abortions,” and incidences of herpes, epilepsy, heart failure and strokes, among thousands of others.

Hallucinations, anxiety, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide are some of the several psychiatric disorders following COVID shots that were reported in more than 100,000 cases.

These side effects were previously known, and have all been logged on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, which as of Sunday has tracked 3,300 deaths following vaccination with Pfizer’s vaccine, a figure broadly in keeping with the company’s own data.

Critics say that some of these deaths cannot be conclusively linked to vaccination, while others argue that the true number of deaths and adverse effects is underreported.

The FDA asked a federal judge to make the public wait till 2076 to release Pfizer vaccine data. Yes, this is true, it wants 55 years to disclose all of the Covid-19 vaccine data.

The FDA says it may take until 2096 to release all 451,000 pages it used to approve Pfizer’s vaccine.

The rapid proliferation of the vaccine, under Pfizer’s secret contracts negotiated between the company and governments, has unfolded behind a veil of strict secrecy, allowing for little public scrutiny of Pfizer’s burgeoning power.

The secret COVID vaccine contracts expose how Pfizer is only worried about maximizing profits and not your health. “It’s almost as if the company would ask the United States to put the Grand Canyon as collateral,” said a professor.

In early February, Pfizer was reported demanding military bases and embassy buildings from the government of Argentina.

According to a whistleblower, Pfizer told scientists to cover-up the use of aborted fetal tissues in making vaccines. Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.

Meanwhile, after the Omicron variant managed to hit the headlines, the CEOs and major shareholders of the Pfizer and Moderna saw a profit of a combined $10.31 billion, as per data compiled by the UK-based Global Justice Now.

Did you know the COVID-19 vaccine maker Pfizer in 2009, had to pay $2.3 billion in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products.

Read the document below:


3 Responses

  1. Dr MD – – does M stand for Machiavellian and D stand for Disaster ? Time for a re-licensing and re-training to focus on the patient both from the Doctors , and especially , especially on any and all ‘Drugs’ w serious side effects ! …… ….shalom, al jenkins

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  3. of course, the pharmaceutical industry basically “owns” all medical training schools, do “doctors” are basically trained to be pill vendors, NOT health practitioners. Dr.s get huge kickbacks from writing prescriptions, which are often their LARGEST source of income.

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