An outbreak of acute necrotizing (ANE) encephalitis has been detected in Kanpur. A GSVM Medical College third-year MBBS student named Pakhi from the city has screened positive for swine flu, but only after an H1N1 infection had been discovered in the third-year medical student at the local GSVM medical college who fell into a coma after contracting acute necrotizing encephalitis.

PIGS Politicians Indian Doctors And Vaccination Programs

The GSVM medical college medicos contracted this ailment, and more than 30 medical students have high grade fever. Seven of them have ANE that has been verified. The first instance was recorded earlier this week when a third-year student from Barabanki was taken to the intensive care unit at LLR hospital with a high fever and a terrible headache. On Tuesday, ANE infection was determined to be present in her. Later, the patient fell into a coma and is now receiving life support, according to representatives of the medical college. According to them, 69 student blood samples were drawn on Tuesday and Wednesday and forwarded to King George’s Medical University in Lucknow for analysis.

A senior physician stated, “We have admitted five medicos with ANE in special maternity ward and two of them are on ventilator.” A pupil was admitted to LLR hospital with a high fever and a terrible headache, according to vice principal Dr. Richa Giri. She passed out and was currently in a comatose state. The results of the medical tests revealed she had an ANE infection that had migrated to her brain. She has told her parents. Following this, six more students with ANE symptoms were discovered when the medics inspected the students in the boys’ and girls’ dorms on Wednesday. Three students—two from para-2 and one from the final year—were in their third year. According to Giri, one was sent directly to the ICU while five others were transferred to a special maternity department. She noted that they all have ANE. More than 30 students had fever and a bad headache, and special teams were keeping an eye on them.

Infected by dead Pigs?

Within four days of more than 20 pigs being discovered dead, an ANE outbreak and fever swept over the campus of the medical institution. The medical college administration has canceled the final exams due to the current circumstances. The decision was made, according to Dr. Giri, since the students felt they were unfit to take these tests, reported Medical dialogues. In the meantime, 16 more dead pigs were discovered on campus by a team of medical professionals that included Dr. Yashwant Rao and Dr. Anand Narain Singh. They were all interred on the campus. Dr. Ganesh Shankar, a spokesperson for the medical institution, said it was plausible that the pigs and the unsanitary circumstances they created contributed to the disease spreading on the campus.

So it must be Swine Flu?

Upon the investigation report from King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, swine flu, or H1N1 infection, has been discovered. The medical college students were in a panic after hearing this news. In the past, GSVM physicians had labeled the student’s ailment encephalitis. At the same time, the student’s health remained severe for a second day after being admitted and put on a ventilator in the Lala Lajpat Rai Hospital’s medical ICU.

“As being reported on social media, H1N1 has not infected the student because of the pigs. Just one case of H1N1 virus infecting a human has been reported in 2012 in the world as per the Centre for Communicable Diseases (CDC). This is a total misnomer,” said Prof Kala.

After more than 30 pigs on the campus died unexpectedly starting on Saturday, the theory gathered traction. Since June, reports of pig deaths have been coming in from all around the city, and blood tests indicate that the pigs likely died of African swine flu.

However, neither the college administration nor the Kanpur Municipal Corporation (KMC) have been able to explain why neither entity collected samples from the deceased pigs or why there were so many pigs that wandered freely throughout the fenced medical college campus.

The Pig Mafia Nexus

Under the condition of anonymity, the campus residents said that the pigs belonged to the pig mafia Romi Khatik, who bred them and allowed them to roam freely in open areas. Hindustan Times reported that Romi Khatik is said to get along well with some of the medical college staff members who allow pigs access on the campus. When his pigs are taken, Khatik is infamous for inciting violence against the KMC cattle catching teams. A senior KMC official suffered a head fracture in one of these attacks three months ago.

Shiv Sharan Appa, the municipal commissioner, announced that a special campaign was being conducted after the corporation removed many pigs from the campus of the medical institution. “We are identifying the vulnerable points for pig breeding. Also we will initiate strict action against the pig mafia,” he added.

IVIG, corona virus and myocarditis

However, several eyes were raised when Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) injection was administered to treat a severe acute infection that had generated some movement in the brain based on a CT scan examination. The body’s blood supply has been impacted as a result of the heart’s diminished pumping. Note that patients with acute myocarditis who get IVIG therapy not only experience a better recovery of left ventricular function and decreased in-hospital mortality, but they also have a higher survival rate.

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College Principal Prof. Sanjay Kala, Vice-Principal Prof. Richa Giri, Principal Superintendent Prof. RK Maurya, Prof. Saurabh Agarwal, and Prof. BP Priyadarshi convened a conference and chose to administer 12 doses of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) injection to the ill student in order to curtail the infection of the brain.

“After administering a single dose of injection on Wednesday, there was some movement in her brain and also mild cramps in hands. Due to myocarditis (a rare condition in which the heart muscle becomes thick and inflamed and may also become weak), cardiologist Dr. Mohit Sachan also examined the patient in order to increase the pumping of the heart beat. Pakhi’s blood sample was sent to King George’s Medical University, Lucknow for Japanese encephalitis, swine flu, and scrub typhus test. Swine flu has been confirmed in a late Wednesday report. The report of dengue, chikungunya and malaria tests of another 70 students has come negative,” said Prof Kala.

Vaccines & Myocarditis

The link between the Corona virus, the vaccines and myocarditis has been explored in numerous reports by several publications including GGI itself. So, by no means is a situation like this unprecedented.

What about ANE?

ANE is a heightened immunological response to influenza (swine flu) and the corona virus, according to specialists. It invades the brain and harms a significant portion of it, especially the thalamus. Extreme swelling and hemorrhage are frequent effects of ANE. In these patients, the prognosis is considerably poorer, and about 40% of patients pass away. These doctors opined that a thorough examination was required to determine whether or not the death of pigs on the campus was caused by the virus transfer.

ANE is uncommon, according to Dr. Alok Varma, a neurologist at GSVM Medical College. An MRI examination had revealed edema and blood clotting in the brain. In addition to this, the body contained unidentified viruses.

Disturbingly, Pakhi’s condition and another case study by Dr. Michael Mörz from the Institute for Pathology in Dresden, Germany, who published a case study of an autopsy of a 76-year-old deceased man in the journal Vaccines have quite a few similarities.

In the report, spike proteins specifically attributed to COVID-19 vaccination targeted blood vessels in the man’s brain and heart.

Remarkably, the report (read below) used immunohistochemistry, which employs immune staining techniques that light up specific antigens, to find that “only spike protein but no nucleocapsid protein” could be detected, indicating that the necrotizing encephalitis (death of brain tissues) and the inflammatory changes in the small blood vessels (brain and heart) were caused by COVID-19 vaccination as opposed to viral infection.

How spike proteins kill brain tissues

Dr. Robert Malone, a critic of the COVID-19 vaccination program, has long warned that the, “synthetic mRNA like genetic material persists in the body for 60 days or longer and produces spike protein at levels higher than is observed with the actual SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

Ominously, the CDC quietly removed the claim that the vaccine generated spike protein “does not last long in the body” from its website between July 16th and July 22nd.

“This is the first time we have had a vaccine go to the brain and go to the heart,” Dr. Peter McCullough, another expert has warned since last year.

“We know it goes to the brain, it goes to the heart, it produces the spike protein, which damages those cells, causes inflammation, and then from there it travels in the body causing damage to blood vessels and causing blood clots.”

Could COVID vaccine be the real culprit?

In light of all this information, it is only natural that the question of Covid vaccine being the actual culprit be raised. The striking resemblances between the two cases is undeniable.

Read the full report below:


One Response

  1. I emphatically suggest that both doctors and scientists look to the relationship(s) created in humans; as a result of, both, food (pork) consumption by humans, and, viral/microscopic contaminants proliferating in the environment from pig excrement including urine, feces, skin shedding and even exhaust of breath. It is a not uncommon opinion that human DNA is too close to pig DNA to allow for the human body to defend against pig diseases IF humans are consuming pork products as food. Be aware!

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