According to Russia’s Interior Ministry, Zakhar Prilepin, a prominent Russian novelist, was wounded in a car bomb assassination attempt, and a suspect was quickly detained.

One of Russia’s best-known novelists has been targeted in an apparent attempted assassination near the city of Nizhny Novgorod on Saturday. RIA Novosti is reporting that a native of Ukraine is in custody related to the attack.

Zakhar Prilepin was wounded by a car bombwhich killed his driver. Immediately after the blast he was seriously injured but reportedly conscious, after which a suspect was quickly detained, according to Russia’s Interior Ministry.

Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin in Moscow in 2017, presenting his book “Platoon. Officers and rebels of Russian Literature”. via AFP

“The search for possible accomplices continues,” the government statement said.  “Law enforcement officers are now investigating the circumstances and causes of the incident. Zakhar is OK,” the regional governor said.

Prilepin is not only a contemporary literary giant in Russia, but he’s considered to be very active in support of the Ukraine war, with the BBC and other Western sources describing him as a prominent commentator of ultranationalist politics. He’s a former member of the State Duma and has been very active in conservative political movements within the country.

Further according to BBC, a pro-Ukraine opposition group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Russian authorities, Putin has survived an assassination attempt. Footage shared by residents in a local Telegram channel captured the incident.

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