In an educational video created by the Liberty Coalition Canada in partnership with the Canadian Health Alliance, licensed medical professionals and doctors provide instructions on how to protect yourself without getting a COVID-19 vaccine shot.

How To Protect Yourself Without Getting A COVID-19 Vaccine Shot - Canadian Doctors Speak Out

The doctors also offer the top reasons not to fear Covid-19 providing information about variants of the disease and immunity, and recommends treatments that have been proven effective against the virus.

The doctors believe that policies aimed at addressing the pandemic “are destroying Canadian society and the health of Canadians.”

How to protect yourself without getting a COVID-19 vaccine shot

Dr Stephen Malthouse MD BC, Canada:

“Welcome to Canadian doctors speak out, where we are going to give you the top reasons not to be afraid of COVID-19. When we hear the word Covid or Coronavirus we now instinctively reach for a mask or look around to see how we can protect ourselves and our families. No place really seems safe.

But, as Canadian medical doctors, we are going to tell you what the best science now has to say and we think you will be pleasantly surprised.

On the TV, we hear ‘cases, cases, cases which would frighten anyone. But “cases” are not necessarily the symptomatic people and the vast majority have a few or really no symptoms of being sick. They just have a positive PCR swab test.

Research now shows that the PCR test is practically worthless. Only 3% of the patients with a positive test actually have the COVID virus. People have died, yes that’s true but using “case numbers” gives a false picture of what is really going on.

Where are all the deaths that we would expect to follow the “cases” curve? Looking at the early deaths in Canada from 2001, it’s pretty hard to show that we have even had a pandemic. The slight increase in 2020 was probably due to an ageing population. But aren’t hospital intensive care units overloaded with COVID patients?

If we look at the Ontario intensive care unit data, there were fewer patients in the ICU in 2020 then in each of the previous 3 years. The CDC’s own data compares COVID to seasonal flu.

In children COVID illness is so mild their death rate is statistically zero. For people under 50, the infection survival rate is greater than 99.98% and for those over age 70, it is 94.6 per cent. And that is without any early treatment whatsoever, like vitamin D or vitamin C.

So, if you are young, you really don’t have anything to worry about. If you are older, we are going to give you some really great ideas on how to protect your health that does not include getting a shot with the vaccine.”

Asymptomatic transfer

Dr Patrick Phillips MD Ontario Canada:

“So back in April we knew so little about COVID and this led us to take a lot of extra precautions including adopting the idea that healthy people can spread disease. This is known as the asymptomatic spread and that’s a very scary thought.

Now however over 10 million cases have been studied and evidence is rapidly emerging both from Wuhan and the University of Florida showing that asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread is negligible to non-existent. This is a game-changer.

This means we can take our lives back and go back to the time tested advice I have always given my patients when they have a virus – if you are sick, stay home. And the rest of us can be free to live our lives.”

T Cell Immunity

Dr Caroline Turek MD, Ontario, Canada:

“We have great news! Do you know that many of us are already immune to SARS-CoV2 due to cross-reactive T cells? A T cell is just another immune cell that helps our body fight infection.

At the beginning of the pandemic, SARS-CoV2 was considered a novel coronavirus meaning that none of us was immune to it and all of us were still at risk for infection. However, immunologists and virologists worldwide have studied and found that 30 to 50 per cent of people already have pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from pre-existing circulating T cells.

This pre-existing immunity is due to prior exposure from other coronaviruses such as the common cold.

So the problem is with testing for COVID immunity is most of the tests are serum antibody tests but this doesn’t look at our T cell response. And antibody levels decline over time but we still have our T cells to protect us. Many, many of us are more protected than we realize from COVID, from our T cells. This is exciting news because we are closer to herd immunity than we realize.”

Kids and COVID-19

Dr Neda Amani MD Ontario, Canada:

“We have heard a lot about how children are COVID ‘super spreaders. Terrified we have shut down our schools, covered our children’s beautiful faces with masks and stopped them from playing with one another. Many teachers are too scared to even step foot into a classroom.

But the science shows that none of this is warranted. If children do get COVID-19 they might not even show any symptoms and if they do they’re usually mild and they’re not the drivers of the pandemic.

Epidemiological data shows the disease follows a much milder course in kids compared to adults. Since the pandemic began, only four people under the age of 19 have died with COVID in all of Canada. That’s four out of eight million children and teenagers.

By comparison, 10 children died of influenza in the 2018-2019 flu season. Influenza has killed more children annually than COVID-19. An overwhelming number of peer-reviewed studies now show children especially those under the age of 10 are not a significant factor in the transmission of COVID.

Studies in the UK, Australia, Switzerland, France and Norway have shown that there is minimal child to child and child to adult transmission in schools. A study in The Lancet also showed that closing schools was never medically warranted. A German study of parents and their children showed that parents are way more likely to infect their children rather than the other way around.

When we look at the large and growing body of scientific evidence we can put the fear behind us and let our children be children again. They can go to school, play with their friends and do the things they love. It’s time to give our children their life and childhood back.”


Dr Dorle Kneifel MD BC Canada:

“I am not afraid of this coronavirus and you do not need to be afraid either. We’ve evolved with these respiratory viruses over thousands and thousands of years and we’ve developed a highly intelligent and very sophisticated immune system.

We support and strengthen our immune system when we eat nutritious food when we can engage in physical activity when we spend time in nature and feel supported by life.

Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for our immune system. When we supplement with vitamin C, with zinc, with magnesium our immune system is primed and ready to go. In spite of sub-optimal diets and widespread vitamin D deficiencies, most people who encounter the coronavirus do not require hospitalizations but are able to manage their symptoms at home.

I myself had COVID-19 11 months ago and I responded to the early viral symptoms the way I always do. I took vitamin D – 60 000 international units each day until the symptoms were gone. It took two days. The fact that I am here talking to you is proof that our bodies know what to do.”


Dr Bill Code MD BC, Canada:

“I have more than 40 years experience practising medicine here in Canada and at least 30 of those have been as a speciality anaesthesiologist with the FRCPC. Anaesthesiologists are well accepted as clinical pharmacologists by other physicians because we know the risk/benefit ratio about drugs.

In addition, safe and long, experienced use of older drugs can be very useful in combating a new problem such as COVID. With this in mind in reviewing the literature, I treat my patients with early COVID-19 with Quercetin, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D. If you’re able to get a prescription Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.

In addition, I have used Ivermectin for post COVID symptoms with some success. If needed oxygen supplementation with nasal specs often based on what your personal oximeter, which I recommend, is safe for you.

In all of the patients that I have treated this regime has worked for them and they have not needed hospitalization. I myself had COVID-19 in November last year. Taking these agents as I’ve listed was incredibly helpful for me and I recovered within seven to ten days.

In summary, I would like to have you let go of the fear. It does not serve us. There are many things that we can do for ourselves and then we’ve got the hospital as a backup.”


Dr Stephen Malthouse MD BC Canada:

“Many of us have heard about something that is designed to scare the living daylights out of you. It’s something we’re hearing 24/7, pumped through your television set and that’s the possibility of dangerous variants.

Now here’s something that will surprise you. One slight variant was artificially created after a lot of hard work in a mouse study. The so-called variants had never been found in humans. This was followed by some papers with mathematical modelling and coding, not real-life observation.

This was simply guesswork about spread and severity, not real research with human beings. That is the sole foundation of all you’re hearing about on the TV. Viruses naturally change over time and new strains emerge. Since a virus cannot live alone but depends upon human cells to live, it makes evolutionary sense that it’ll become less dangerous, not more so, over time.

If it becomes more easily spread but less likely to make you really sick then that is a good natural progression towards herd immunity. The COVID virus is no different. Overall the time we have studied viruses that is what they have always done – adapt to humans as humans adapt to them. We can all relax since viruses always become less likely to cause harm as time goes on.”

A way out for everyone

Dr Stephen Malthouse MD BC Canada:

“When you put it all together there are so many reasons not to be afraid of COVID. When we honestly evaluate the COVID evidence and stop being fearful we can start living life fully becoming a joyful member of our family and community again.

Hiding inside your home and avoiding people is not necessary. Humans are social creatures and do not do well in isolation. For one thing, both solitary confinement and fear are harmful to your immune system. Four hugs a day are indeed the minimum.

So make sure your nutrition is good and don’t forget to take vitamin D in the wintertime to optimize your immune system. 4000 international units is a good daily amount for Canadian adults followed by a blood test in about a month to make sure that’s the right amount for you.

Vitamin D is safe, it’s inexpensive and has been shown to boost resistance to viral respiratory infections including COVID. And remember the real virus is fear. It stops a person from thinking clearly. Now is the time to turn off your TV set and learn how to do some reasoning for yourself.

It doesn’t take a doctor or even a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just look out your own front door and see what is really happening. The evidence is clear. You do not need to be afraid of a little COVID virus.”

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4 Responses

  1. Thanks for this lovely article.
    I watched a video where a scientist talked of the vaccines being classed as ‘leaky vaccines’, spreading the virus much more, making it more dangerous for anyone who hasn’t had a jab. I’d love to hear your thoughts on that.

  2. The covid pandemic seems to be blessing in disguise for medical industry. Let the world be known that this is a normal virus and people are dying due to trial and error medical treatments given in hospitals. explains each and everything in well manner.

  3. I have never believed in this stupid virus that rocks the world in fear. I have chronic asthma and am elderly and have to go to hotspots regularly. Neither of us have contracted and still be around.

  4. Could you help us? How the UBC’ students who cannot get or didn’T want to get the vaccine can keep studying at the university?

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