Russian President Vladimir Putin listed three conditions for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine during a call with his French colleague Emmanuel Macron on Monday, including acknowledgement of Russian authority over Crimea.

Putin’s 3 Conditions To Macron For Peace Settlement With Ukraine

Putin informed Macron that Russia was “open to negotiations with representatives of Ukraine,” as per the Kremlin’s summary of the phone calls.

Putin, on the other hand, insisted that a deal could be reached “only if Russia’s legitimate security interests were unconditionally taken into account,” which includes:

  1. “the recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea
  2. the fulfillment of the tasks of demilitarizing and
  3. denazifying the Ukrainian state and ensuring its neutral status.”

Earlier, Putin warned that Russia will go to war with France if Ukraine joins NATO. According to Putin, a Ukrainian assault on Crimea might spark Article 5 of NATO’s founding agreement, drawing the whole of Europe into a war against Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also stated that his nation’s troops had not endangered civilians or attacked civilian targets.

The threat comes from the Ukrainian nationalists, who use the civilian population as a human shield, deliberately place strike weapon systems in residential areas, and intensified shelling of the cities of Donbass,” the Kremlin said.

Macron “has reiterated the international community’s demand to stop Russia’s attack against Ukraine,” according to a statement from the French presidency, and has advocated for an urgent ceasefire.

Although talks between Kiev and Moscow continue, Macron has made three requests that “have to be respected on the ground.”  He asked Russia to promptly “stop all strikes and attacks against civilians and places of residence,” “preserve civil infrastructure,” and “secure the main routes,” which includes the southern route to Kiev.

Putin demonstrated a “willingness to commit” to these three matters, according to the Elysee.

In addition, the French president urged his Russian counterpart to “respect international humanitarian law” and “delivery of aid” law as well.

“To prevent the situation from worsening,” the two leaders decided to keep in touch.

On February 24, Putin announced the start of a Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine, with the purpose of “demilitarizing” the country and ensuring the protection of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as Russia. The operation has been criticized by Western countries, who have slapped severe economic sanctions on Moscow.

2 Responses

  1. So in 2014 the CIA overthrows the Ukrainian government and installs a new one friendly to the west and wanting to join NATO. Since Ukraine is right on the Russian border, one might see why Russia could have a problem with that.

    Let’s see. What if Russia’s intelligent agencies overthrow the Mexican government, installs a new one friendly to Russia and China, and then it wants to ally militarily with both. Would the U.S. invade Mexico to prevent that? Damn right it would!

  2. It is sheer insanity to expect to control the military of your neighbors when you are a huge military presence that has a history of being a bully and threatening other nations. If Putin wanted Ukraine to demilitarize he should do the same. All his aggression and invading only goes to show that the Ukraine is absolutely right in their desire to be able to defend themselves. I used to think Putin was a good leader that respected his people but now I just think he is a tool….and a rusty one at that.

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