New York Governor Kathy Hochul stated that so far, there is no indication that the US-Canada Border Incident Rainbow Bridge Explosion was related to a terrorist assault.

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At a press conference late on Wednesday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul stated that there was “no indication” that the catastrophic explosion at the Rainbow Bridge near the US-Canada border was related to a terrorist assault.

The governor explained that “nothing” but the car’s engine survived the explosion, highlighting the fact that it would “take a long time” to completely understand what transpired. Hochul clarified earlier inaccurate reporting on the subject by saying that no explosive devices had been discovered in the area.

“There is no evidence at this time that there was terrorist activity,” Hochul reiterated to reporters before noting the importance of needing to “dial down the temperature” in the aftermath of the explosion.

It was subsequently verified that one border patrol worker inside the checkpoint booth had been injured and that the two people inside the vehicle had died. Since then, the official has been discharged from the hospital.

Hochul continued, saying that although authorities were still unable to determine the car’s origin, “there is suspicion that the vehicle may have originated” close to a local casino.

The three other border crossings between the US and Canada have reopened, but the bridge will stay closed until further notice as the investigation into the incident continues. The explosion’s cause is still unknown.

The Washington Examiner reported that Special Forces veteran Tim Kennedy told Joe Rogan that terror attacks are coming to the US.

The car stopped at a first security checkpoint before blowing up a barrier in a secondary screening location, according to earlier media accounts citing insider sources. The car was heading towards the Canadian border crossing from the United States.

The car was shown traveling at an unusually high pace on video that was made public by the US Customs and Border Protection Agency before it collided with a barrier. Hochul had called the experience of watching the incident’s video “surreal.”

One witness to the incident informed the media that it looked like the car was going “over 100 miles an hour.”

In the early stages of the inquiry, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau informed the public that further steps were “being contemplated and activated at all border crossings across the country” and that officials were “taking this extraordinarily seriously.”

In the past, the FBI called the situation “very fluid” and said it was coordinating with local law enforcement.

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