New Zealand’s medical system go to court for the guardianship of a four-month-old kid whose parents have refused to allow him to receive a heart operation. The parents refused vaccinated blood for the baby’s surgery.

Parents Refuse Vaccinated Blood For Baby's Surgery

The New Zealand health service has applied to the court for guardianship of a four-month-old infant whose parents refuse to permit his life-saving heart surgery to proceed unless non-vaccinated blood is used.

The baby’s parents spoke with an anti-vaccination activist about their medical choices and the state of their son’s health.

The parents explain in the conversation that their baby has severe pulmonary valve stenosis and requires surgery “almost immediately,” however they are “extremely concerned with the blood [the doctors] are going to use.”

“We don’t want blood that is tainted by vaccination,” the father said. “That’s the end of the deal – we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do.”

Vaccines to prevent serious sickness and death from Covid-19 have been reported to be exceedingly safe and effective, with millions of individuals worldwide having been immunized.

As per NZ Blood, any Covid-19 vaccination in the blood is broken down shortly after the administration.

Dr. Mike Shepherd, the interim director of Te Whatu Ora in Auckland, said in a statement that he understands that parents who have a sick kid and are making decisions about their treatment may find it stressful.

In accordance with the Care of Children Act, Te Whatu Ora submitted documents to the Auckland High Court on Monday. According to the NZ Herald, it requested that the baby’s guardianship be transferred away from his parents so that clearance could be obtained to utilize donated blood.

“The decision to make an application to the court is always made with the best interests of the child in mind and following extensive conversations with whānau,” Shepherd said.

“As this matter is before the courts, we will not be commenting further.”

A gathering of 100 anti-vaccination activists assembled outside the court on Wednesday as the parties appeared inside to arrange a date for an urgent hearing.

A child with such a condition would have received treatment several weeks ago, according to Te Whatu Ora’s attorney Paul White, while the parents’ attorney Sue Grey, another well-known anti-vaccination activist, claimed that the parents sought better care than what the state was providing.

“Because they label my clients as conspiracy theorists, [their position] is that anything my clients say can be ignored,” she said.

NZ Blood said: “All donated blood also gets filtered during processing, so any trace amounts that may still be present poses no risk to recipients.

“We do not separate or label blood based on a donor’s Covid-19 vaccination status.” It also said that there was no proof that prior vaccinations had any impact on the quality of blood available for transfusion.

It is quite uncommon for a case to progress this far, according to Josephine Johnston, a lecturer in bioethics at the University of Otago. She continued, saying that despite the fact that both the parents and the medical staff were attempting to act in the child’s best interests, there was a great deal of dispute in this situation, which was distressing for everybody involved.

“Parents have a lot of decision-making authority over their child’s life – there’s a huge zone of discretion for parents to make decisions including about medical issues,” Johnston said.

“But there are limits to that, and this is one of those tragic cases where the limit has life and death consequences.”

4 Responses

  1. And if you’re smart, you will do the same for you, your love ones, and children. Do not use toxic COVID vaccine tainted blood.

    Remember the HIV tainted blood that infected 1000’s and killed 100’s of people, this is no different.

  2. What was not written, or I may have missed it, is that the parents have already identified acceptable unvaccinated blood donors. The NZ authorities want their medical system followed or nothing.

  3. I can’t believe that you are allowing the LIE that the covid vaccine is safe and effective to be in this article. The vaccine has killed thousands more people than the virus. Many in children and causing heart issues. Using blood with the spike protein in it for heart surgery is craziness….possibly killing this infant! The parents are entirely correct

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