The discovery of classified documents in Joe Biden’s office raises questions about their whereabouts and handling over the past five years. Robert Hur has been appointed as the special counsel to investigate Biden’s classified documents scandal.

Robert Hur Appointed Special Counsel To Investigate Biden’s Classified Documents Scandal

A special counsel will be appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to look into any potential misuse of classified material by Biden while he was living his private life.

Robert Hur, a partner at Gibson Dunn, is designated by the DoJ as the special prosecutor.

According to the order signed by Mr. Garland on Wednesday, Mr. Hur, who previously served as the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia during the Trump administration, is charged with looking into “the possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records discovered” at Mr. Biden’s think tank in Washington and his residence in Wilmington, Del.

Robert Kyoung Hur, born in 1973, is a lawyer from America who held the position of United States Attorney for the District of Maryland between 2018 and 2021. Prior to that, he was the principal associate deputy attorney general. On January 12, 2023, Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, named Hur as the Special Counsel in charge of investigating Joe Biden’s management of classified documents found at his residence and the Penn Biden Center.

Robert Kyoung Hur, who was born in 1973, is the son of South Korean parents, Haesook Hur, who worked as an office manager, and Young Hur, a anesthesiologist. He was born in Monroe Township, New Jersey. Hur earned his Bachelor of Arts degree with high honors from Harvard College. He also completed his Juris Doctor degree from Stanford Law School.

After obtaining his Juris Doctor degree, Hur worked as a law clerk for Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the United States Supreme Court and Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Prior to his appointment, Hur worked as a special assistant and legal advisor to Christopher A. Wray when he was Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. From 2007 to 2014, he was an Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Maryland. He was responsible for the prosecution of gang violence, drug trafficking, firearm offenses, and white-collar crimes. Before joining King & Spalding, a Washington D.C law firm, where he was a partner, and his practice area was focused on government investigations and complex litigation.

On November 1, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Robert Kyoung Hur as the next United States Attorney for the District of Maryland. On March 22, 2018, the nomination was approved by a voice vote in the committee. The same day, his confirmation was also done by voice vote. He took the oath of office on April 9, 2018. Hur announced his resignation from the U.S. Attorney position in Maryland on February 3, 2021, effective February 15. After leaving the U.S. Attorney position, Hur joined Gibson Dunn, a prominent law firm based in Washington, D.C., as a partner.

On January 12, 2023, Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, designated Robert Kyoung Hur as the Special Counsel responsible for investigating President Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents during his tenure as Vice President. He was appointed to lead the United States Department of Justice’s investigation.

Hur’s background is noteworthy because he was the US Attorney who sought that the explanation for an FBI raid on an allegedly well-known whistleblower for the Clinton Foundation stay confidential.

The decision by Mr. Garland “was not taken lightly,” according to a senior department official who spoke on the record under the condition of anonymity, but it was mandated by department rules because it was “a textbook example” of an inquiry that called for the appointment of a special counsel.

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Even Ed Snowden offered some remarks.

Recall that the situation was not made public by the White House until this month in reaction to a CBS News investigation that detailed what had occurred.

The revelation happened only a week before the midterm congressional elections, when it would have been a high-profile, last-minute bombshell.

“How that could possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible. And I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods.”

President Biden’s remarks on former President Trump’s alleged mishandling of confidential documents will be difficult to ignore now that a second batch of records has been unearthed.

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Richard Sauber, Special Counsel to the President, has written a statement to address this ‘misunderstanding’.

As we stated previously, we are fully cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in possession of the Archives.

Following the discovery of government documents at the Penn Biden Center in November 2022, and coordinating closely with the Department of Justice, the President’s lawyers have searched the President’s Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, residences – the other locations where files from his Vice- Presidential office might have been shipped in the course of the 2017 transition. The lawyers completed that review last night.

During the review, the lawyers discovered among personal and political papers a small number of additional Obama-Biden Administration records with classified markings. All but one of these documents were found in storage space in the President’s Wilmington residence garage. One document consisting of one page was discovered among stored materials in an adjacent room. No documents were found in the Rehoboth Beach residence.

As was done in the case of the Penn-Biden Center, the Department of Justice was immediately notified, and the lawyers arranged for the Department of Justice to take possession of these documents.

The White House will continue to cooperate with the review by the Department of Justice.

However, as Jonathan Turley pointed out, the same issues are being raised about Biden’s own probable “irresponsible” treatment of classified info and the exact scope of any violations. During a state visit to Mexico on Monday, Biden declined to answer reporters’ questions.

The topic of Biden’s confidential documents has been forwarded to US Attorney John Lausch for inquiry. However, the discovery will just raise more questions for Garland.

Some of us have chastised Garland for declining to appoint a special counsel to investigate influence-peddling claims against Biden’s son, Hunter, despite the strong evidence that such an appointment was warranted.

In contrast, shortly after Trump launched his presidential bid in 2024, Garland ordered a special counsel to probe him. That created new concerns about Garland’s handling of Biden, who is the president, may run for president in 2024, and may be engaged in the underlying claims against his son.

With the revelation of this new document, Biden may be charged of the same underlying crime as Trump. Yet,  he is keeping the Biden case within the ranks of the Justice Department. While U.S. Attorney Lausch was nominated by Trump and is generally liked, Garland refused to leave the Trump case in the hands of a Justice Department prosecutor who was equally esteemed.

For the past two years, some of us have urged Garland to take a firm, consistent stance on the Hunter Biden influence-peddling inquiry and other issues. His incomprehensible denial in this latest case will exacerbate an already dire situation for the Justice Department.

Consequently, we take note of AG Garland’s recent announcement that he will speak at 13:15 ET.

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Even though Trump and his staff are facing accusations of false statements and obstruction, it remains fair to point out that the alleged crime of unlawful removal and possession is the same, as Turley highlights.

When the DOJ conducted a raid at the home of the former president Trump, they made a big fuss about classified and non-classified papers being mixed together. Now, classified documents have been found at president Biden’s think tank.

Biden seems to be following the same approach as Hillary Clinton did in the past, specifically regarding the Whitewater documents that were sought after for a long time. After the case was resolved, the documents surprisingly surfaced. The New York Times referred to the documents as “elusive” as if they had a mind of their own.

Just like Clinton, the discovery of the documents came as a surprise, particularly because they could not be used as evidence during the previous investigation.

There are potential reasons for the presence of the documents in the office, specifically with regard to Biden’s work on a book that covers his experience in some of the countries mentioned, such as Ukraine. However, this explanation also poses additional questions. For instance, Biden completed his term as Vice President in 2017 and had an office at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia until 2019. The Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement announced that it opened its doors in Washington, D.C on February 8, 2018.

If these documents were taken when Biden left office, it raises questions about their whereabouts for the previous year and whether they were moved multiple times before being found in the Washington office. This does not seem like an isolated incident, it may have been a repeated action over a five-year period with the documents being placed in various locations.

Otherwise, it would mean that Biden has requested and obtained classified information at some point in the five years, outside of a secure location.

As another batch of documents has emerged, there is growing concern that classified documents were shared or separated among various offices. This implies that a wider range of people may have had access to these documents in different locations over a five-year period.

Biden’s statement of being “surprised” does not provide any clarifications in this matter.

The FBI is facing two pressing tasks: ensuring the safety of the highly classified documents and then checking if they have been compromised.

It is worth noting that Biden did not deny the possibility of requesting for the removal of these documents at the end of his term as Vice President. He also did not mention when he was informed about their discovery.

Democrats and the media seem to want to dismiss this issue and move on. However, as the statements of Garland and Biden indicate, there are numerous questions that require answers. The emergence of new classified documents only amplifies the unresolved questions that need clarification.

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This is the reason why the discovery of the classified documents in Joe Biden’s office is not unexpected, but it is legitimate and grammatically correct to express astonishment about the findings, and the President’s lack of explanation.

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