Romanian prosecutors have opened investigation into the country’s Covid vaccine acquisitions and has also shutdown its vaccine centers as people have refused the experimental jabs.

Romania Opens Investigation Into How Covid Vaccines Were Acquired And Shutsdown Its Vaccine Centers

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, the European Union has launched an inquiry into the secret talks that took place between EU Commission Chief and Pfizer CEO for the sale of vaccines.

The European Ombudsman has demanded that Commission President Ursula von der Leyen explain how she lost text messages that she exchanged with the CEO of Pfizer during talks about vaccine procurement.  

Now, even the Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) has announced that it opened investigations related to the circumstances under which Romania purchased [too many, prosecutors seem to imply] Covid vaccines.

“As far as I know, the procedures followed for the procurement [of vaccines] in all European Union countries were the same, and they were developed by the European Commission,” Valeriu Gheorghiță, the head of the national vaccination campaign, said, according to

Prosecutors said that the investigations are opened in order to spot potential “abuse of office” [implying personal benefits derived by those so far unidentified] involved.

Notably, the health ministry was managed until early September by the reformist USR-PLUS party, which pulled out of the ruling coalition meanwhile and launched a no-confidence motion against the Government. But the ministry of health was not directly involved in the procurement.

Romania has also shutdown its vaccine centers as people have refused the experimental jabs.

Declining demand for coronavirus vaccinations in Romania has prompted authorities to close 117 vaccination centres and to reduce the schedule at 371 others, health officials have said.

“In the previous week, we re-evaluated the efficiency of fixed vaccination centers. About 80% of fixed vaccination centres vaccinate less than 25% of the vaccination capacity allocated to each stream,” national vaccination committee chief Valeriu Gheorghita said at a press conference on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Czech Republic is planning to destroy 45,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines branded as Covishield in India since nobody wants to take the shots.

Meanwhile, more than 14,000 doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine were thrown away in the past month alone due to the lack of interest from the public.

Even, Singapore is studying the possibility of using non-mRNA vaccines as booster shots and is in talks with suppliers to obtain the vials, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary in Parliament.

Recently, the President of Croatia hammered the media Monday after a reporter asked why the vaccination rate in Croatia is not as high as in other European Union countries.

The Croatian President Zoran Milanovic retorted saying, “We will not be vaccinated anymore”.

Croatians have been “vaccinated enough” and should be allowed to accept the risks of becoming infected with COVID on their own terms, according to President Zoran Milanović.

“We will not go more than 50 percent, let them fence us with wire,” Milanović said in recent statements to the press. “I don’t care. We’re vaccinated enough and everyone knows it.”

“We need to know what the goal of this frenzy is. If the goal is to completely eradicate the virus, then we have the goal. I have not heard that this is the goal. If someone tells me it’s a goal, I will tell him he’s out of his mind.”

President Milanović broke with the majority of his contemporaries in expressing frustration over medical authoritarianism and COVID hysteria pushed by the mainstream media and the globalists.

18 Responses

  1. We can only hope ,although there are starting to be cracks in the globalist propaganda through which light is shining through ,finally .

  2. The strength of character that so defines the beautiful Romanian people shines ever so bright in this moment. Thank you Romania for being such a great example how intelligent and free thinking humans should behave. Much Love from the US, I can only hope some day we will have the level of freedom that you have there!

  3. Romanians are great people and make great friends too. It’s a pity they have been dispossessed by the communists and now by the globalists. Great for them to reject the death jabs!

  4. They should investigate what is in the “vaccines”, then they can go arrest Fauci and Gates, its a scam to kill most of the world’s population!

  5. Its really heart and mind uplifting to hear some that some common sense is coming back, I applaud these presidents and the integrity they have to stand up for whats right, eastern europe seems to be the next region of the world where prosperity will arrive

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  7. This could end up being the same style of economic/financial-gain BS that happened with the swine flu vaccine. Few ended up using it but it made the pharmaceutical companies heaps of money buy selling it to countries around the world. Giving profit to those including Donald Rumsfeld supposedly.

    Even if vaccinations are stopped world wide now, contracts have been signed and payment will need to be made. They’ve made their profits either way, into the billions.

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  9. this is absolutely false! I am Romanian, i read the link, nowhere says it stopped the vaccines. I also scanned all the big Romanian newspapers, ABSOLUTELY FALSE

  10. @jack I dare you to show me a Romanian source that says they closed itheir vaccine centres!
    They fired the minister for corruption that;s all – but never closed the vaccine centres.

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