Why only the Rupee falls? Why should it fall close to 20% of its value? Why should this fall coincide with the passing of FDI bill when investors are lined up to bring dollars into India? Does this Rupee fall has anything to do with the rise of prices (inflation)? Or this fall in rupee is a direct result of domestic inflation which government and economists want us to believe in the range of 5% to 11%? Is this domestic inflation? Is what is being told to us correct or is Government of India manipulating this? What is the theory behind inflation? What is the theory behind exchange rates? What is their association with domestic or international inflation? When US and European economies are collapsing at a faster rate and Indian economy is stable; still why Rupee is falling rather than increase in value or appreciate? Why when unemployment is touching close to 10% in US and Europe and when many of those nationals are coming and seeking employment in India (for instance many foreign nationals working in Bollywood as extra actors, as the money they make in Mumbai gives them comfortable living) still why it is only the Indian Rupee that falls? Who is manipulating Rupee? RBI, Finance Ministry or the western governments putting developmental pressure on Indian government to manipulate Indian Rupee or economy for their benefits? Who are those western manipulators? Can’t we avoid them to save our finances?


Subscribe Now and read this extensively researched examination into the meticulous script of deliberate third world economic destruction and market manipulations by parasite western economies that answers these questions. Published in Jul-Sept 2016 Special Financial Warfare issue of GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine of Geopolitics and International Affairs.

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One Response

  1. Inflation is being exported to emerging economies via asset, stock and commodity prices by uncontrolled printing of dollar.

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