To protect Russia against cyberattacks and future sanctions Moscow has banned the use of foreign software technology in infrastructure that are critical for the nation.

Russia Bans Use Of Foreign Software Technology In Critical Infrastructure To Protect Against Cyberattacks And Sanctions 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an executive order prohibiting state agencies and semi-government businesses from purchasing foreign software for use in important infrastructure projects, purportedly to make the country less vulnerable to further Western sanctions and potential cyberattacks.

The decree, which takes effect on Thursday, allows the procurement of foreign software for critical infrastructure with the permission of “a federal executive body duly authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.” Furthermore, by the beginning of 2025, any government entity or customer must have phased out the usage of foreign software on its sensitive systems.

Within a month, regulators must release software criteria for critical infrastructure, as well as guidelines for coordinating the procurement of foreign software and related services for use on sensitive locations.

Putin’s executive order also aims to promote the use of indigenous radio, electrical, and telecom-related technologies over foreign technology, with steps to achieve this goal expected to be revealed within six months. By the end of September, at the very latest, a research and production association focused on producing “trusted software and hardware systems for critical information infrastructure” is expected to be established.

Moscow is responding to Western sanctions aimed at cutting Russia off from both its own high-tech industry and high-tech items created in third-party countries using American intellectual property.

International sanctions have been imposed on the Russian economy and major political and commercial personalities as a result of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, which began late last month. Many foreign corporations, including credit card companies Visa and MasterCard, major automakers, and IT heavyweights like Microsoft, Apple, and Dell, have announced a halt or suspension of operations in Russia as a result of the sanctions.

While US President Joe Biden believed that the current wave of sanctions would cut off “more than half” of Russia’s access to “high-tech imports,” the “boomerang” effect is already hitting the West, according to Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chair of the Russian Security Council. “Global inflation is on the rise,” the former Russian president said on Wednesday. It appears that Europe is entering a recession, which could extend throughout the world.”

One Response

  1. Protecting 1. national sovereignty 2. national identity 3. cultural stability 4. individual relevance – – Putin / Russia are logical / aware / courageous in their mission to protect and preserve. ALL Other Nations would be Wise to do Exactly the same. …… with God’s help, may it be so for we in America. ….. …… shalom, al jenkins

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