According to RIA Novosti, which cited the Supreme Court’s press service, proceedings took place behind closed doors and ended in Russia banning the LGBT movement due to social and religious discord.

Russia bans LGBT Movement 1

On Thursday, the Russian Supreme Court declared the “international LGBT public movement” to be extreme and banned it. The court declared, without mentioning particular companies, that the decision also has an impact on its subsidiaries.

The Russian Justice Ministry filed the complaint earlier this month, claiming that the actions of “the LGBT movement” made it an “extremist group.” The ministry specifically stated that it has been causing “social and religious discord” in the nation.

Russia bans LGBT Movement 2

According to RIA Novosti, which cited the Supreme Court’s press service, the proceedings took place behind closed doors and lasted more than four hours because the case comprised more than twenty volumes of evidence. Only a Justice Ministry lawyer attended the hearings; no representatives of the “international LGBT movement” were there.

Russia has progressively tightened its laws in recent years to stop the spread of so-called “LGBT ideology.” The government banned the distribution of this kind of propaganda to children in 2013, and as of last December, it also prohibited it to adults.

Anyone found guilty of encouraging “non-traditional sexual relations,” transgenderism, or pedophilia faces significant fines.

Earlier Space Force General Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt gave a speech at a Pentagon Pride event, slamming more than 400 anti-LGBTQ state-level bills. She claimed that these bills were forcing her to hire ‘less qualified’ candidates.

It is still unclear, though, precisely which pro-LGBT organizations in Russia the latest verdict would impact. The “Russian LGBT network,” a civic platform created in the middle of the 2000s to unite local organizations supporting the rights of sexual minorities, is the biggest group of this kind in the nation.

The International Lesbian, LGBT, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (LIGA) is a significant non-governmental organization with headquarters in Switzerland that has been fighting for LGBT rights since the late 1970s. The network was named a “foreign agent” two years ago.

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