After repeatedly accusing Google of ignoring Russian laws on obscenity, Russia has dramatically escalated its long-running battle with major US-based internet platforms. On Friday a Moscow court imposed an unprecedented fine of almost $100 million on Google for corrupting minors with porn, propaganda and transgenderism.

Russia Fines Google With Record $100 Million For Corrupting Minors With Porn, Propaganda & Transgenderism

The content like pornographic material, as well as posts that reportedly promote drugs and suicide is under the dispute and the state media regulator Roskomnadzor has demanded the removal of the same.

Crucially, Kremlin officials and the regulator have long charged Google with promoting politically subversive messaging with the intent to stir up protests in support of jailed dissident Alexei Navalny. 

Furthermore, Silicon Valley-based internet companies have been accused by Russia of allowing themselves to be used as a hidden hand of US foreign policy inside Russia and promoting controversial content like transgenderism among Russia’s youth.

Showing sexually explicit and corrupting material to minors is outlawed under recent legislation.

This fine of 7.2 billion rubles, (or $98 million) is record-setting as compared to prior fines imposed on US social media companies. The clear objective of imposing such a huge fine is to send a resounding message and warning. 

Commenting on how the court arrived at this high figure, The Moscow Times notes that the Moscow magistrate’s court did so “under a legal clause that allows courts to impose between 5% and 10% of a company’s turnover, according to the state-run RIA Novosti news agency.”

So far Google has said little, only telling AFP that, “We’ll study the court documents and then decide on next steps,” according to its press office.

Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter have so far faced symbolic fines over similar charges of failing to remove content. “Meta – which has a hearing in court later today on the same charges – has also been threatened with a revenue-based fine,” AFP writes.

“On Thursday, Twitter was handed its latest fine of three million rubles ($40,000) after authorities started throttling its services in the spring.”

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, Facebook and Twitter recommendation algorithms promoted social discord in Russia, and were cautioned by Russian authorities that they maybe deactivated per new law.

However, it is highly unlikely and nearly impossible that Kremlin state authorities would ever go so far as to block these platforms, given the immense popularity among the Russian public, as it may result in massive backlash.

Recently, a leaked Facebook’s secret blacklist of ‘dangerous individuals and organizations’ showed it has over 4,000 entries. Among them are entities sanctioned by the US as terrorists, historical villains, cartels, militia groups, as well as dissidents.

The U.S. government is secretly ordering Google to provide data on anyone typing in certain search terms, an accidentally unsealed court document shows. There are fears such “keyword warrants” threaten to implicate innocent Web users in serious crimes and are more common than previously thought.

Meanwhile, a so-called independent fact-checker website is exposed to be funded by the same $1.9 billion vaccine lobby group that it is supposed to check.

The site is a Facebook partner whose articles are used to censor critical voices on the social media platform. It is headed by the former CDC director, which is again a conflit of interest.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that Facebook has attacked the sovereign nation of Australia and that his government will not be intimidated by Facebook’s threats.

Other nations from around the world have joined in sparking a global war against the threats from Big Tech.

10 Responses

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  2. Yea, its very good news some goverment is standing against the mental poison these companies aligned with the NWO are propagating.

  3. Google (facebook) stole leader technology social network through Michael McKibben attorney James P. Chandler III (who was a national security advisor and top White House attorney) who also was working at the Whitehouse at the time).

    Dustin Moskovitz and Cari Tuna: $35 Million (Including Donations to Non-Partisan Voter Registration Efforts)
    Meta (FB), formerly Facebook, co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna revealed their plans to support the Democrats with donations in two Medium posts, one in the first week of September and one in early October.

    2016, Moskovitz said they gave a total of $20 million to pro-Clinton, pro-Democrat organizations including the Hillary Victory Fund, the DSCC, and the DCCC, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Victory Fund, For Our Future PAC, Political Action, Color Of Change PAC, and several nonpartisan voter registration efforts.

    Emails from Mark Zuckerberg indicate he pulled for Biden and wanted to resource data for Fauci ” to help” him.

    Russia would be wise to drain them of their cash since that is where they pour their money into. politicians.

    With the Biden administration, we have to look to other Countries to help clean up our corrupt institutions….what a sad case that is considering the so called UN of unity and peace looks to fight in Ukraine….just another excuse for bankers to profit from war for ” peace”.

    Russia has more integrity then the United States in our history….a part ( individual politicians at the White House) can’t over power the whole Biden installed administration.

    But they can be stalled and sidelined for temporary measures…..maybe give us some time to put a wedge between citizens and Govrrnment.

  4. Two men (believed to be Poles) then entered the room and grabbing one of the girls bent her backwards over the edge of a table and then proceeded to cut off her breasts before the eyes of the others. Her screams were accompanied by cheers and howls of approval from the Russians. The same fate awaited all the others each procedure becoming ever more cruel. More girls were brought in continually and out in the courtyard hundreds were clubbed to death, only the prettiest being led to the commissars office for torture, mutilation and death. A few days later when a German reserve tank unit from Cottbus temporarily recaptured the town they were utterly devastated by what they saw.
    Survivors told of what they had seen. Mothers had to witness their ten and twelve year old daughters being raped by up to twenty soldiers, the daughters in turn witnessing their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. In most houses in the town nearly every room contained naked and dead women with the Swastika symbol crudely carved on their abdomens. No mercy was shown to the women and girls. It is estimated that about 2,000 girls that had been in the RAD and BDM (League of German Girls) camps in and around the town were raped and murdered in the first few days of the Soviet occupation

  5. Theater. Russia and Google take their orders from the same ruling elite. They’re trying to maintain the impression Russia is independent of those running this world. Ha!

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