The death of a Russian Major General blown up by a roadside bomb in Syria has sparked a mystery. American intelligence analysts are working to decode the unusual death when the Russian convoy hit a roadside bomb in Syria.

Mystery Over Death Of Russian Major General Blown Up By Roadside Bomb In Syria
Mystery Over Death Of Russian Major General Blown Up By Roadside Bomb In Syria

“It’s rare for a Russian major general to be in a convoy in Syria, let alone get blown up there,” a U.S. security source told Just the News. “We don’t know how to read it.”

Two other Russian troops were hurt in the blast from the improvised explosive device.

Aside from the question of why a major general – the equivalent of an American one-star – was traveling via road convoy, analysts do not know whether the general was targeted, or if he died by accident, the source said.

“Did someone detonate a deliberate explosion to take him out, or was this a freak event?” the source said. “That’s what we’re looking at.”

The unnamed major general was a senior military adviser, according to Russia’s state-run Ria Novosti news agency.

“The incident occurred on the sidelines when the convoy was returning after a humanitarian action near Deir ez-Zor,” the outlet reported, citing comments from Russia’s defense ministry. The general died during evacuation, while being treated for his injuries.

The major general who was killed on Tuesday posthumously was given a state award, and his family will be given “all the necessary assistance,” Ria Novosti reported.

The region where the major general died has long been the site of conflict and violence. Russian engineers went into Deir ez-Zor three years ago to clear mines from local roads, according to a 2017 report from the Russian Ministry of Defence, which noted that its technicians deactivated some 1,000 explosives. Among them were at least 100 roadside bombs.

It was under Operation Timber Sycamore that the Deep State funded and trained ISIS terrorists with the objective of overthrowing the Government of Syria. The joint CIA and Mi6 project was ultimately phased out by American President Donald Trump.

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