Russian mercenaries are reportedly on the ground supporting renegade General Khalifa Haftar known as ‘CIA’s man in Libya’ against the United Nations backed Government of National Accord – in what is now being called as the Russo American Alliance against the Deep State.

Russo American Alliance against Deep State
Russo American Alliance against Deep State

More than 100 mercenaries from the Wagner group headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, also known as “Putin’s chef” for his Kremlin catering contracts, arrived at a forward base in Libya in the first week of September to support eastern strongman Khalifa Haftar’s assault on the capital Tripoli, said the people, who included Libyan and Western officials. All asked not to be named because they weren’t authorized to speak with the press, according to Bloomberg.

Haftar’s Libyan National Army has denied that there are Russian or any other foreign fighters within its ranks, while Putin’s office also denied being aware of Russian mercenaries in Libya.

However, a Russian mercenary commander confirmed that Wagner contractors were fighting in Libya, and said that some had been killed in action there in what Bloomberg described as a bolstering of LNA forces amid an escalation of LNA airstrikes on the capital.

Wagner Group

Wagner Group Russian Security Contractors
Wagner Group Russian Security Contractors

The Wagner Group also known as PMC Wagner, ChVK Wagner, or CHVK Vagner is a Russian paramilitary organization. Some have described it as a private military company (or a private military contracting agency), whose contractors have reportedly taken part in various conflicts, including operations in the Syrian Civil War on the side of the Syrian government as well as, from 2014 until 2015, in the War in Donbass in Ukraine aiding the separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

Ukrainian Security Service presentation on Russian Security Contractors Wagner Group
From the Ukrainian Security Service presentation on Russian Security Contractors Wagner Group

Others are of the opinion that ChVK Wagner is really a unit of the Russian Ministry of Defence in disguise, which is used by the Russian government in conflicts where deniability is called for.

Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin

The founder of the Wagner Group is reported to be Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin, who was born in Kirovohrad Oblast (then the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR) in 1970. According to the Security Service of Ukraine’s statement in September 2017, Dmitriy Utkin used to be a Ukrainian citizen. Up until 2013, he was a lieutenant colonel and brigade commander of a special forces (Spetsnaz GRU) unit (the 700th Independent Spetsnaz Detachment of the 2nd Independent Brigade) of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).

Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin Wagner Group Russian Security Contractors
Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin, founder of Russian Security Contractors Wagner Group. From Ukrainian Security Service presentation.

He retired in 2013 and began working for the private company Moran Security Group founded by Russian military veterans; the company performed security and training missions around the world, specializing in security against piracy. The same year, senior Moran Security Group managers were involved in setting up a Hong Kong-based organization Slavonic Corps that headhunted contractors to “protect oil fields and pipelines” in Syria.

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Yevgeny Prigozhin aka Putin's Chef with links to Wagner Group
Yevgeny Prigozhin aka Putin’s Chef with links to Wagner Group

It has been reported that Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is also a chef for Russian President Putin, has links with Wagner and Dmitry Utkin personally. Prigozhin, who was sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury in December 2016 for Russia’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict, denied any communication with Wagner. The US Department of the Treasury also imposed sanctions on ″PMC Wagner″ and Utkin personally in June 2017. The designation of the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control listed the company and Dmitriy Utkin under the ″Designations of Ukrainian Separatists (E.O. 13660)″ heading and referred to him as ″the founder and leader of PMC Wagner″.

CIA’s Man in Libya

Interestingly, Libya is among the few places in the Middle East/North Africa where Washington and Moscow currently find themselves on the same side, after Trump in a surprise phone call came out in support of Haftar, who is also long believed to be a CIA asset.

In a sharp reversal of longstanding US policy which recognizes only the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli as the legitimate authority over Libya, President Trump spoke by phone to Benghazi based commander Khalifa Haftar, pledging support to the general and his Libyan National Army (LNA) as it lays siege to the capital.

Russian Defense Minister Shoigu with Libya's General Haftar
Russian Defense Minister Shoigu (left) with Libya’s General Haftar in August 2018 in Moscow via Gulf News

The White House statement said Trump “recognized Field Marshal Haftar’s significant role in fighting terrorism and securing Libya’s oil resources, and the two discussed a shared vision for Libya’s transition to a stable, democratic political system.”

Interestingly in early April Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had urged in a statement for Haftar to halt his advance: “We have made clear that we oppose the military offensive by Khalifa Haftar’s forces and urge the immediate halt to these military operations against the Libyan capital,” Pompeo said at the time.

Haftar — who solidified control of Eastern Libya over the past two years and swept through the south in January, seeks to capture Tripoli and seize military control of the entire country, and has over the past weeks made inroads into the capital.

He’s long been described by many analysts as “the CIA’s man in Libya” — given he spent a couple decades living in exile a mere few minutes from CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia during Gaddafi’s rule.

Russo American Alliance against Deep State

The US and Russia has blocked a UN Security Council effort to call for a ceasefire in Libya — this as air power has recently been used during increasingly intense fighting in Tripoli. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fighting between the LNA and GNA has resulted in 205 deaths and 900 wounded, with about 20 civilians among the dead.

Given Trump’s praise of Haftar for “securing Libya’s oil resources” it appears that the renegade Libyan general has indeed been “the CIA’s man in Libya” this whole time, interesting now supported by the Russians.

Jeffrey Epstein

It is not just in Libya that the Russo American Alliance has emerged. One of their major achievements was the successful takedown of the Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile kingpin who was actually an Israeli Intelligence agent – part of an 18th century British secret high-society elite club using perverted sexual desires as a cover to corrupt and infiltrate higher echelons of power in Govt (including India). The source of political sex-scandals.

Eli Cohen

A similar intelligence operation was run in Syria by another Israeli spy Eli Cohen, exactly along the lines of the American op. Eli was deployed in Syria in the early 60s where he infiltrated the Syrian political and military hierarchy and became the chief adviser to the Minister of Defense, at the time also supported by the Russians. The intelligence gathered by Cohen, who also met the same fate as Epstein led to the successful capture of Golan Heights by the Israeli military.

Assad Must Go

But in a major policy shift against the Deep State’s call for “Assad Must Go”, the Trump led American government defeated the ISIS terrorists and their backers in Syria in active collaboration with the Russians. This is the reason why those terrorists had to be relocated by the Deep State to protect and utilize them for future strategy. The place where they were relocated is Baluchistan and ironically now being trained under the umbrella of the Baloch Freedom Fighters, soon to be unleashed upon India. For a detailed understanding on this aspect refer to our book, India in Cognitive Dissonance.

GreatGameIndia is a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations

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