QAnon is being hijacked by a mysterious disinformation network known as the SABMYK promoting a new esoteric messianic mythology of the Sword of Shawunuwaz. Although not much is revealed about the messianic cult, in one of the posts they claim that Shawunawaz, the legendary sword of the Orion Kings of Atlantis came from the ancient Atmumra dynasty.

The Sword Of Shawunuwaz - How QAnon Is Being Hijacked By The Mysterious Sabmyk Network

A huge network of coordinated Telegram channels disguised as pro-QAnon accounts is promoting a new esoteric mythology.

This is the time where the QAnon community is going through a big change. Many key influencers have outspread by the range of social media bans and it forced the campaign to find out new ways on unmoderated alt tech platforms like the messaging app Telegram, Twitter alike GAB and the video hosting site BitChute. 

The QAnon community is being attacked and exploited by a previously unpublicized network of more than 100 organized Telegram channels that has more than 900,000 subscribers in total. 

The network has been disguising the associated channels to attract the supporters of QAnon and others, but in fact, looks to be converted for a completely new quasi-religious tale.

SABMYK QANON Sword of Shawunawaz

The network: A new Pro-QAnon channel was created on 27 January, 2021 on the Telegram messaging app which called itself British Patriots Party. It used the logo of the anti-muslim group Britain First and referencing the group in one of its initial posts.

This channel is not what it appears though, it forms part of a huge network of more than a hundred channels made on the platform from the start of January, each one to appeal to specific communities at the same time promoting a new quasi-religious tale.

Many of these new channels specifically aimed to attract the displaced QAnon community are named after famous themes and figures in the community, like Trump’s former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn, and Rudy Giuliani, an important member of the legal team of Trump.

But some other channels are aimed at different ideological demographics, like the supporters of Britain First, evangelical Christians or UFO enthusiasts, and the others are after imaginary regional media outlets, like the London Post or Chicago Reporters.

Three of the channels post in german mainly, while the other channels known to be Spanish, French and Italian have posted in English only.

The channels are set up in batches, including more than nine sets up in a single day. The biggest channel ostensibly loyal to QAnon has 125,000 subscribers and all in all the network has gained 81,000 new subscribers in a 48 hours period.

For all the variety in branding, the channels contain near-identical content. Every channel makes only a little number of unique posts, generally,

QAnon or anti-vaccine content gathered from different platforms and posted without credit. Still having the shortage of original posts, each channel gives the look of being greatly active by reposting more than 50 posts lifted from other channels in the network every day. 

A double flake of misleading branding is done by most of these channels. For example, the UK Patriots Party channel means to represent an anti-muslim British far-right group, but it hugely contains unrelated content gathered from regular QAnon social media.

However, the content of QAnon is a disguise itself. The main aim of the channel is to promote the messianic mythology of SABMYK and the Sword of Shawunuwaz. 

SABMYK and the Sword of Shawunuwaz

This tale is a mix of ancient mythology, present spirituality and few completely new factors, looks to be the creation of an Iranian artist living in Germany known by the name of Princess Ameli Achaemenes.

Princess Ameli Achaemenes SABMYK QANON Sword of Shawunawaz

She states herself to be a scion of Persian royalty and to have been given her ancestral Sword of Shawunawaz by the billionaire investor George Soros in 1992, before destroying it to save it from causing further harm.

This narrative is held in the biography section of Achaemenes’ website, along with various other amazing facets of her life story.

The website claims Ameli Achaemenes is the last descendant of the Achaemenid Kings of the Persian Empire.

Achamenes’ website, a website loyal to the Sword of Shawunawaz and a series of interconnected facebook pages promoting these parables, were all created at the start of 2020. However, none of these got much attention at the beginning.

Princess Ameli Achaemenes SABMYK QANON Sword of Shawunawaz

The Shawunawaz website states to be the work of an organization known as the Shawunawaz society and lists a street address in Baden Baden, Germany, but it has no presence anywhere else.

The Facebook pages and the website present supposed sketches and testimonials to the sword by prime historical figures such as Picasso and Heraclitus, all of which are fake.

Given the misleading nature of the Telegram network and the limited availability of information online, it remains clearly possible that the character of Princess Ameli herself is an imaginary creation, with the only photo on her website and profiles on social media displaying a fully-veiled woman and no reference to her that one can find from any external source.

SABMYK Signs Sword of Shawunuwaz QAnon

Just one account that communicated with her on Twitter in July 2020 seems to have been created for that reason, with a corresponding Facebook account created on the same day. 

The fantasy of Shawunawaz only started to get wide exposure in December 2020, at the time when the operation shifted to Telegram and embraced the scheme of piggybacking on QAnon and other conspiracy beliefs to hijack unsuspecting users. 

At this time the tale of Shawunawaz as detailed on Achaemene’s website had been altered with the inclusion of a Messianic figure known as SABMYK who is stated to be the preordained ruler of the Earth and who existed on 21 December, 2020.

SABMYK QANON Sword of Shawunawaz

The recent SABMYK related posts have been more and more militaristic in tone, with four new channels that state to be one of the 12 Generals under SABMYK. A recent post urged the subscribers to react to Trump’s impeachment by attacking his accusers. 

The strategy of including the tale into fake titled Telegram channels has demonstrated exceptional success in exposing these claims to a wider audience. By regular shares across the network, some Telegram posts related to SABMYK and the Sword of Shawunawaz have been viewed over 200,000 times.

The proof is very limited that the tale is getting attention outside of the network. Social media posts related to SABMYK are usually confused inquiries into the meaning of the word, but there are more and more posts on Facebook and Twitter promoting the concept, from what seem to be real social media accounts.

Ancient Atmumra Dynasty

Although not much is revealed about the messianic cult, in one of the posts they claim that Shawunawaz, the legendary sword of the Orion Kings of Atlantis came from the ancient Atmumra dynasty.

Atmumra dynasty SABMYK Sword Of Shawunuwaz QAnon

It’s the symbol of Atlantis power.
It’s also the sword of Gilgamesh, the sword or Achilles, the sword of Alexander the Great, the sword of Spartacus, the sword of Napoleon, the sword of swords that waited thousands of years to be owned by its one and only owner SABMYK – the chosen one, for whom it was mady by Gods themselves!

The sigh of Shawunawaz is a mirrored “S” and the sign of the dollar is a crossed out twice mirrored “shawunawaz sign” – think about it!

All signs have its ancient meanings – nothing happens by accident.

Proselytising QAnon

There are several questions that arise about this network. The controller of channels, the endgame of the Messianic prophecy, the success of proselytising the fractured community of QAnon?

As the mainstream platforms crack down on QAnon such networks will stay tempting both to followers of those beliefs and those who look to exploit them. 

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10 Responses

  1. It’s either the Democrats trying to take control of Q-anon followers, and then claim “They are now supporting this new ‘horrible’ belief system that means we need to crack down on them even harder.” And in the meantime they’ll enjoy some level of control in directing them to do self-destructive things. OR It’s another country or group also likely in bad faith. Obviously there’s significant planning, coordination and deception that has gone into the effort, that’s rarely done in good faith. Either way , if they fall for it , they probably deserve whatever comes their way. Same with the foolish perpetrators. Being too willing to indulge in low probability belief systems is going to become criminal soon.

  2. Freemasons all have a sword, dagger and they all lie….zionist, jesuit, communist, all the same families of pirates, that have systematically invade, murdered, plundered, colonised then moved to next target, these perverts need to be stopped, but how? For a start DO NOT CONSENT and DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU.

  3. Qanon is dead with Trumps defeat. Its motto was ‘Nothing can stop What is Coming’, and with the loss, it just disappeared. Q was wrong about Sessions and Durham was a no show. And all the silly timestamp comparison was foolish to begin with.

    Q and Trump knew early in 2020 that the Dems were planning to steal the election using the Covid lockdown as a cover but did nothing to stop them until it is too late. Q got rid of McCain and RBG but did not consider Republican governors and Barr going against Trump.

    It was fun and intriguing while it lasted.

    Let’s see if anything interesting happens tomorrow, 3rd March.

  4. Are you paid by Soros to relay this updated article coming from hopenothate . What’s your plan .

  5. ALL roads lead to Egypt. This is why Jerusalem is called the ‘destroying city’, a city of ‘murderers’, called Sodom for its sexual perversions and called Egypt for its mysticism based on the Talmud out of Babylon, the Zohar and Cabala; the books of Zech 5. Edom is in Jewry. Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
    I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time.

  6. What is the number of 666? It is the Star of Chiun/Remphan which they call the ‘Star of David’ but it is, in fact, the Star of the Khazars/ashkeNAZI Jews. It has 6 points, 6 triangles and a 6 sided hexagram. These are the people of God’s curse. Jesus took the kingdom from them in Matt 21:43, cast them out and gave them 8 woes (judgments) in Matthew 15 and 23 and called them out as the synaGOGue of Satan in Rev 2:9 and 3:9. Why would God bless a nation which aids and abets the enemies of Jesus Christ and the enemies of Christians (those whom God has called by another name CHRISTians) worldwide? Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
    I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time.

  7. I have the ring on my right hand and a scar on my palm from the sword but not scars on my arms. Lol

  8. What makes you consider something to be true? What are the criteria that have to be met before you determine something is worth believing?

  9. Q has not been online since early December. Only 2-3 posts have been on since before election. This is not a cult and it is has never been named Qanon except by the left wing press. Trying to cancel culture in any way they can. Sick, sorry press like this.

  10. Amazing how stupid q followers are. Easy to manipulate these idiots.

    If Q says join hands and walk off a cliff, gonna be smashed bodies at the bottom

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