According to satellite images, the Chinese troops have commenced the expansion of its airbase, 200 km from Pangong Lake, in Ladakh. The images, also showing Ngari Gunsa airport in Tibet, originated from open-source intelligence expert @defresfa_, an analyst with ShadowBreak Intl.

Satellite Images Show Expanding Chinese Airbase Near Ladakh
Satellite Images Show Expanding Chinese Airbase Near Ladakh

The images suggests a significant and rapid Chinese military build-up in the past months along the contested border region amid what Indian media has widely reported since this weekend to be PLA forces digging into fortified positions.

Importantly, the strategic base is a mere 200km away from Pangong lake, where recent skirmishes between Chinese and Indian border patrols took place on May 5th-6th.

Satellite images of Ngari Gunsa Airbase near Ladakh
Satellite images of Ngari Gunsa Airbase near Ladakh

One of the satellite images is dated way back to April 6 and the second image came out a few days ago – May 21 to be precise. The first image shows how the territory originally looked. However, the second image clearly shows massive construction activity going on in the territory. The expansion has included something that looks more like a secondary tarmac to combat aircraft or taxi-track.

Satellite images of Ngari Gunsa Airbase near Ladakh showing Chinese Fighter jets
Satellite images of Ngari Gunsa Airbase near Ladakh showing Chinese Fighter jets

The third image shows a line-up of four fighter jets. They are either J-11 or J-16 fighters of the Chinese PLA Air Force. According to the caption on the third image, it looks like the deployment of the fighter jets at the Ngari Gunsa airbase was spotted way back in December 2019.

The location of the airbase is significant. That’s because it’s a dual-use military and civil airport, with 14,022 feet – one of the highest in the world. With that kind of height, the fighter jets can only be useful to carry limited war-loads and fuel.

Over the past weekend Indian media began reporting that thousands of PLA troops have now moved into Ladakh’s disputed Galwan river area, and at multiple locations in eastern Ladakh. The satellite images appear to confirm Chinese troop movements along and inside of the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh.

China expands airbase near Ladakh, including placing advanced fighter jets on tarmac.
China expands airbase near Ladakh, including placing advanced fighter jets on tarmac.

According to the Guardian, “Thousands of Chinese People’s Liberation (PLA) troops are reported to have moved into sensitive areas along the eastern Ladokh border, setting up tents and stationing vehicles and heavy machinery in what India considers to be its territory.”

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One Response

  1. In times as these no side gives the true picture. The truth probably lies somewhere in between. What’s the truth ??‍♂️God knows! But what’s surprising why China is doing what it is and why are we we do reticent and not vocal in challenging the Chinese claim. In fact Modi contradicted himself. After Chinese invasion he has lost all smiles on his face. I wonder what’s wrong. Even his jingoism is missing that was seen soon after Phulvama. This is making people think what if anything is wrong? Has he come to the end of the road?

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