The J.S. Waters school in Goldston is in midst of a major outrage as they held a mock slave auction where white kids pretended to sell their Black classmates in front of the staff and faculty.

School Holds Mock Slave Auction Where White Kids Pretended To Sell Their Black Classmates

A school administrator in North Carolina has apologised for a mock “slave auction” in which white middle-schoolers pretended to sell fellow Black classmates.

After parents expressed outrage, Chatham County Schools Superintendent Anthony Jackson said, “Actions such as these, they just do not reflect who we are as a school system.” “And I say, unapologetically, will not be tolerated in the school system.”

According to Jackson, the school board approved some policy modifications and will also evaluate the student code of conduct and discipline procedures for acts of racism. Several parents expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that several of the students involved were only given a one-day suspension.

According to news reports, a coalition of local groups called on the board on Monday to handle the problem at the J.S. Waters School in Goldston and order the perpetrators to apologise.

According to a press statement from Chatham Organizing For Racial Equity, the mock auction took place in front of staff and faculty and was videotaped. There are 195 pupils at the K-8 school around 50 miles (80 kilometres) southwest of Raleigh, with 68 percent of them being white.

“These students were emboldened to not only commit brazen and overt acts of racism but to retaliate further and continue their aggression after serving a perfunctory one-day suspension,” the coalition said.

School holds mock slave auction where white kids pretended to sell their Black classmates 1
J.S. Waters School in Goldston, N.C.

The coalition also wants the district to increase the punishments for racist behaviour by school staff, including making it a fireable offence.

Christy Wagner made an emotional appeal to the board, saying she found out about what happened on the baseball field from another parent and had to explain to her multiracial son why he shouldn’t have to experience bigotry in silence.

Wagner said “The reality is these acts of racism are not only happening here in Chatham County but across North Carolina and across the country,” and added, “More should be done around addressing racism in schools, because no parent should have to stand here after hearing their son was sold in a slave trade at school.”

Jackson’s proposed policy changes and regulations were overwhelmingly accepted by the school board as part of a comprehensive strategy for responsibility for racist occurrences in schools, student support programmes, and staff training.

Jackson instructed the board to approve a list of new policies, directing staff to “begin a full top-to-bottom review of our student code of conduct,” and implement a district-wide training protocol, which included creating communication lines with parents and local community organisations.

7 Responses

  1. Absurd! There isn’t a person, I am sure, at any of these mock events that have EVER been sold by anyone else. Perhaps some of them sold themselves to propaganda.

  2. This is outrageous rascism.
    The staff encouraging this should be sacked.
    Sadly, many people of colour are still being used as slaves today, amazingly, by other people of colour!!!
    The disgusting race baiting mainstream media is not telling you anything at all about that.

  3. Sorry, NOT sorry !! Can’t have it both ways !!
    If using the 1619 BS, wouldn’t a mock exercise like this, be the perfect way to teach little white kids to be ashamed of their race ?? I would think that the Critical Race Theory crowd would be totally on board with this !! lmao

  4. jaxx1005 Naaah, … what you will NEVER hear about on MSM, … is anything about the Non Black people being sold into slavery every day globally, … by OTHER non black people.

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