The parents, Foote and Silvestri claim they were uninformed of their children’s transitioning. The Parents proceeded to file a lawsuit accusing school of secretly transitioning their kids to the opposite gender.

Parents File Lawsuit Accusing School Of Secretly Transitioning Their Kids To The Opposite Gender 1

Two families in Massachusetts are suing a set of school personnel and administrators for supposedly encouraging their kids to embrace gender identities that were incompatible with their families and then hiding those identities from their families.

Parents Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri, together with Jonathan Feliciano and Sandra Salmeron, launched the lawsuit action (read below) in a federal district court in Massachusetts on April 12 with the assistance of conservative legal organizations the Massachusetts Family Institute and the Child & Parental Rights Campaign.

The school committee of the Ludlow Public Schools, interim superintendent Lisa Nemeth, previous superintendent Todd Gazda, Baird Middle School principal Stacy Monette, school counselor Marie-Claire Foley, and former librarian Jordan Funke are all named as defendants in the petition.

As per the lawsuit, school authorities at Baird Middle School in Ludlow, Massachusetts, directed Foote and Silvestri’s young son and daughter (attributed to as G.F. and B.F. in the filing) through “social transitions” in which the children were given names and pronouns that did not pertain to their biological sex.

As per the lawsuit, school authorities at Baird Middle School in Ludlow, Massachusetts, directed Foote and Silvestri’s young son and daughter (attributed to as G.F. and B.F. in the filing) through “social transitions” in which the children were given names and pronouns that did not pertain to their biological sex.

The parents say they “have sincerely held religious beliefs that human beings are created male or female and that the natural created order regarding human sexuality cannot be changed regardless of individual feelings, beliefs, or discomfort with one’s identity, and biological reality, as either male or female.”

Regardless, Foote and Silvestri claim that their daughter, B.F., “changed her preferred name at least twice since December 2020” at school without their “knowledge or consent.” They further claim that school administrators continued to address their daughter “by whatever iteration of her name she has indicated she prefers,” despite the fact that families were made aware of the issue and instructed officials not to.

G.F., the couple’s son, has “identified as transgender and requested to be called by a female name,” according to the lawsuit, and school employees withheld this information from the boy’s parents.

After Foote and Silvestri notified them that their kids were being treated by a “mental health professional” to help them cope with their gender-related problems, school authorities allegedly ignored “specific instructions” from the parents to “not engage with their children.”

According to the petition, an assignment may have influenced Foote and Silvestri’s children to embrace various gender identities.

Students, possibly including B.F. and G.F., were supposedly urged to “to create videos and to include in the videos their gender identity and preferred pronouns … without the parents’ knowledge or consent” as part of a project presented to incoming sixth-graders.

Foote and Silvestri claim they were uninformed of their children’s “transitioning” until Bonnie Manchester, their daughter’s teacher, forwarded an email to them in which B.F. declared she was “genderqueer,” with “he/him” pronouns and a new name.

Manchester told The Epoch Times earlier this year, “I did what any teacher would and should do: I told the parents.”

Manchester was put on administrative vacation soon after telling the child’s parents, according to Townhall, and has now been dismissed.

The lawsuit, filed on April 12, also claims that school authorities were fully conscious of and protected children’s hidden gender changes.

According to the lawsuit, Todd Gazda, the superintendent of Ludlow Public Schools, alluded to resistance to concealed gender transitions as “intolerance of LGBTQ people” that was veiled as assertions about “parental rights.”

“For many students, school is their only safe place, and that safety evaporates when they leave the confines of our buildings,” Gazda allegedly said.

The plaintiffs claim that Ludlow Public Schools maintained a “protocol and practice of concealing from parents information related to their children’s gender identity” in their legal action against the school personnel.

“[Efforts] to affirm a discordant student gender identity at school violates parents’ fundamental rights under the United States and Massachusetts constitutions and violates children’s reciprocal rights to the care and custody of their parents, familial privacy, and integrity,” the plaintiffs stated in the filing.

In a statement shared with the Daily Caller, Vernadette Broyles of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign said, “School officials are making decisions about the lives of children that they are not qualified or authorized to make and doing it without telling, and often deceiving, parents.”

“This lawsuit is about protecting the right of parents to raise their children without the interference of government officials,” Massachusetts Family Institute president Andrew Beckwith told The Boston Globe.

“We want to support our students the best we can,” said James Harrington, chairman of the Ludlow School Committee, adding, “we should bring parents to the table and hope they respond in a loving and supportive way as well.”

Read the lawsuit below:


2 Responses

  1. Dr Frankenstein was a man of principles – now teachers seem to have none ?!? ,,, ,,,, shalom, al jenkins

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