Scotland’s Covid vaccine passport scheme is an unmitigated disaster blasted by venues after chaotic first weekend of enforcement.

Scotland's Covid Vaccine Passport Scheme Is An Unmitigated Disaster In Just One Weekend

The Scottish Hospitality Group, which represents the country’s night-time venues, condemned the Covid vaccine passport scheme after the first weekend of enforcement, warning it’s an “unmitigated disaster” that crippled footfall.

Addressing the impact of the scheme, the Scottish trade body outlined how forcing the Covid measure on venues has resulted in staff facing “intolerable levels of abuse” and in creating an “atmosphere that will totally undermine anyone’s enjoyment” of the venues.

“The first weekend of the vaccine passports scheme has been one of unmitigated disaster and that responsibility lies entirely at the door of the Scottish Government,” SHG spokesman Stephen Montgomery said on Monday.

The Scottish Hospitality Group has been a vocal critic of the government’s decision to introduce a Covid vaccine passport scheme, which came into effect on October 1, with a 17-day grace period to allow venues to prepare for the measure.

Despite the trade body stating that it “has been warning the government for weeks that their vaccine passports scheme is not ready,” the Scottish Hospitality Group claims they were not prepared to “get on with it” and “no safety net of support” was provided for businesses or their staff.

The Scottish government has defended its Covid vaccine passport scheme as a “proportionate way of encouraging people to get vaccinated,” as well as an opportunity to help large events and night-time venues “to keep operating during what will potentially be a very difficult winter.”

The Covid vaccine passport scheme requires everyone over the age of 18 to show, if asked, that they have been fully vaccinated before entering certain venues, including nightclubs, unseated indoor events with more than 500 people, unseated outdoor events with over 4,000 attendees and any event with more than 10,000 in the audience.

Most of us have heard about ‘Vaccine Passports’ only after the pandemic, when different governments started emphasizing the requirement of ‘Vaccine Passports’ for travelling to other countries or even for going to public places.

However, the planning for executing the concept of ‘Vaccine Passports’ began 20 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.

What these roadmap talk about is not just some document that would restrict your entry or movement to certain places. What they envision is an entire COVID eco-system, a future where each and every aspect of your life is monitored and regulated as per the whims and fancy of these Pharma Overlords.

6 Responses

  1. We’ve taken life 4 granted – – now we realize throwing cold water on our daily routine is a Blessing ! ………..Without too much fuss , Fate has opened our eyes to say ‘NO’ , i’m not listening , i’m not following , i’m the Sovereign here – – ‘let’s have a recall’ (perhaps a trial or two) and u can go have a nice day as a school-bus monitor or some such as fits your qualifications ! …….. …….shalom,a.j.

  2. Fourth time is the charm, … hopefully ??? Site keeps blocking my comment because web addresses. So I will break it down to one or two at a time and see if that works.
    Silly web site, … url blocking is for kids !! Says the Trix Rabbit. lmao

    Try spreading these around, it might horrify the “Pokees” around us, … but they should all know what they eagerly signed up for.
    I included some links to the pdf’s, you know, because most people won’t bother to look for them since it is just too much work to find out that they have been injected with AIDS !!
    Please mind the “- DOT -” in the url’s and replace with a period and then backspace the extra gaps out and add the ” h – t – t – p – : – / – / ” at the beginning.

    Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work !!:
    theexpose – DOT – uk/2021/09/12/three-studies-find-the-covid-19-vaccines-do-not-work/

  3. theexpose – DOT – uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Pierpont-Why-mandated-vaccines-are-pointless-final-1 – DOT – pdf

    Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections,
    Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021:
    cdc – DOT – gov /mmwr/volumes/70/wr/pdfs/mm7031e2-H – DOT – pdf

  4. Deaths among male Children have increased by 400% since Chris Whitty decided
    they should have the Covid-19 Vaccine:
    theexpose – DOT – uk/2021/10/05/ons-data-shows-400-percent-increase-male-children-deaths-since-they-had-covid-vaccine/

    Latest UK Health Security Agency Report shows the Covid-19 Vaccine DO NOT WORK
    and have a NEGATIVE effectiveness as low as MINUS 86%:
    theexpose – DOT – uk/2021/10/08/latest-ukhsa-report-shows-covid-vaccines-negative-efficacy-minus-86-percent/

  5. It gets worse – A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully
    Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome much faster than anticipated:
    theexpose – DOT – uk/2021/10/15/its-worse-than-we-thought-fully-covid-vaccinated-ade/

    Latest UK Health Security Agency report shows the Covid-19 Vaccines have a
    NEGATIVE effectiveness as low as MINUS 109% !!:
    theexpose – DOT – uk/2021/10/15/latest-data-shows-covid-vaccines-have-negative-effectiveness-minus-109-percent/

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