Senator Elizabeth Warren honored Satoshi Nakamoto with a flag over the Capitol as part of the Capitol Flag Program, recognizing the creation of the first ‘truly inclusive financial system.

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Unexpectedly, Elizabeth Warren, a longtime opponent of Bitcoin on Capitol Hill, has seen the light and has publicly celebrated the 15 years since the network’s launch by literally raising a flag to honor the efforts of Bitcoin’s secret founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.

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As part of the Capitol Flag Program, Senator Warren’s office requested that on December 18, 2023, also known as HODL Day to Bitcoin enthusiasts, the American flag be flown over the Capitol building to honor Nakamoto’s creation of the first “truly inclusive financial system.”

The DOJ has announced that Binance pleaded guilty to money laundering, and faces over $4 billion in fines, and Mr. Zhao consents to resign as CEO of Binance.

Although the Massachusetts senator’s abrupt support of Bitcoin may come as a shock, her long-standing rhetoric about standing up for the underprivileged in terms of money has finally found expression in this concrete declaration. Regarding her campaign pledges to support the working class that has been harmed by corruption in the government and banking industry, the Architect of the Capitol’s certificate recognizing the flag highlights the “new economic freedoms to populations previously ignored by both private and public institutions” that Nakamoto’s Bitcoin has brought about.

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PubKey noticed the Senator’s office filing for the flag to be flown. This evening, February 15, at 6:00 PM EST, a public event will be held in New York City to unveil not only the flag’s story but also the flag itself. Actor, comedian, and Bitcoin enthusiast T.J. Miller will perform a dramatized reading of the infamous post from December 18, 2013, on BitcoinTalk, which made the term “HODL” famous. Similar to the mid-1770s, bars that prioritize freedom, like PubKey, are crucial in disseminating the concepts and narratives that form a revolution.

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The Senator’s change of heart was noted by Thomas Pacchia, Co-Founder of PubKey: “This is a historic moment for how politicians in Washington view the promise and inclusivity of the Bitcoin protocol.” Politicians’ actions have far greater weight than their words. Her website characterizes her as a “leading voice for social justice, financial reform, and consumer protection,” and her recent advocacy of Satoshi’s work appears to be quite consistent with her professed political objective.

The Senator boldly stated that they “need new laws to crack down on crypto’s use in enabling terrorist groups, rogue nations, drug lords, ransomware gangs, and fraudsters to launder billions in stolen funds, evade sanctions, fund illegal weapons programs, and profit from devastating cyberattacks” just one week before Warren ordered the flag to fly. The Senator introduced legislation to give the Treasury more tools to restrict the criminal usage of Bitcoin. In her reelection campaign, she even went so far as to imply that she had organized “an anti-crypto army” in March of last year. Warren expressed concerns about Bitcoin inclusion in 401(k)s in a letter co-authored with Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson in May 2022. The letter stated, “Investing in cryptocurrencies is a risky and speculative gamble, and we are concerned that Fidelity would take these risks with millions of Americans’ retirement savings.”

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Warren has shifted her tone and joined the growing number of elected officials endorsing Nakamoto’s protocol now that U.S. regulatory bodies like the SEC have permitted the approval of 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs, including Fidelity’s FBTC. Warren has done this by realizing the enormous economic freedom brought about by such a novel technology.

PubKey urges Bitcoin users to respectfully observe this shift in stance by contacting Warren’s office personally, tagging her on X (formerly Twitter), expressing gratitude for her support of Satoshi Nakamoto, and acknowledging him as the hero he truly is.

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