With violent confrontations on liberal campuses, the Biden administration is considering bringing refugees from Gaza to the U.S. This move could provide a haven but also risks escalating tensions similar to those of the 2020 summer of violence.

Should Biden Bring Refugees From Gaza To The US? 1

As confrontations on various liberal campuses grow increasingly violent, the Biden administration seems to be following a Soros-inspired plan that further inflames the situation. CBS reports that the White House is considering bringing “certain Palestinians” from Gaza to the United States as refugees. This could offer permanent sanctuary to some fleeing the violence in Gaza and could significantly escalate tensions, drawing comparisons to the summer of violence in 2020 driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. However, this time the unrest is fueled by privileged, radical students who see themselves as modern-day activists capable of ending the Middle Eastern conflict.

In recent weeks, senior officials across multiple U.S. federal agencies have discussed the feasibility of resettling Palestinians from Gaza who have close family members who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

One proposal involves using the longstanding United States Refugee Admissions Program to bring Palestinians with U.S. connections from Gaza into Egypt, from where they could travel to the U.S. This plan would require extensive coordination with Egypt, which has so far resisted accepting large numbers of Gaza refugees.

High-ranking U.S. officials have discussed the possibility of extracting more Palestinians from Gaza and granting them refugee status if they have American family members, according to planning documents. This would require working with Egypt, which has, until now, resisted allowing large numbers of people from Gaza to cross its borders.

Those who meet a series of eligibility requirements, including medical and security checks, would be able to travel to the U.S. as refugees, giving them permanent residency, resettlement assistance like housing, and a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

While the expected number of eligible refugees is relatively small, the U.S. plans could provide a crucial escape route for some Palestinians fleeing the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which, according to local public health officials, has caused the deaths of more than 34,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands in Gaza.

The Biden administration, criticized for not banning menthol cigarettes for fear of losing black voters, has now aimed at winning over marijuana users by considering reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous substance. Critics also point out that this is the same administration that, in the past two years, has allowed over 20 million undocumented immigrants into the country, with the expectation that they would vote illegally for Democrats in upcoming elections.

Given this context, it is not surprising that Biden, who seeks to retain the support of the ultra-left progressive wing of the Democratic Party, might use this proposal to win votes. This wing has shown sympathy for Hamas, and their support could be crucial in the upcoming election.

Predictably, news of the proposal spread rapidly, with prominent Republicans condemning the idea. Yet, as with many things that Republicans oppose, Biden will likely proceed with his plan, even though the U.S. is considering accepting refugees from Gaza when no Arab nation has done so.

4 Responses

  1. No!
    America should bomb the Nazis until they give Palestine back to the Palestinians!

  2. Perhaps we should wonder if O’Biden is bring the headquarters of Hamas to the US as his puppeteer brought Isis into existence, and see if that scenario fits better…

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