Exploring the ‘DMT hyperspace,’ which follows a specific pattern, and where many users experience similar realms after taking the psychedelic DMT, is Silicon Valley’s latest fascination.

Hopping goblins made of shifting shapes, clown dimensions replete with impossible jesters, and recurrent purple cosmic girlfriends—these are just some of the mysterious motifs that occur more than coincidence should allow when taking N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), the ultra-powerful psychedelic that allows users to seemingly travel to the outer reaches of the cosmos and beyond.

One of the most fascinating things about DMT is that many trips follow a specific pattern and many users experience similar realms. Amateur psychonauts—cosmic cartographers, if you will—have been “mapping” the “DMT realm” on their own for years. But an emerging branch of academic researchers—and more recently, venture capitalists and AI researchers—are now attempting to map the DMT realm using rigorous, repeatable science.

DMT hasn’t been studied all that much, but a few papers on the drug have trickled out as psychedelic research continues to gain mainstream traction. The Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, for example, has published papers on the similarities between DMT trips and near death experiences, and found that the drug breaks down the basic networks of the brain, causing them to be less distinct from one another.

Until recently, psychonauts were limited by the brief time spent in these other worlds. Long called the “businessman’s trip” for its short duration, DMT blasts users off-world and back within 20 minutes. For the amateur psychonauts who have cataloged their time in the DMT world and sketched out their experiences in scrappily drawn maps, these temporal constraints have proved limiting. But now, an intravenous delivery system could allow people to spend more time in these bizarre zones, retrieving data about their ontology and perhaps telling us more about our waking reality.  

DMT differs from other psychedelics not only in its brief duration, but in experience, too: while smaller doses feel a lot like acid, at “breakthrough” doses, it’s not only the whole field of perception that’s affected, but an entire shift in consciousness that lets the user explore bizarre, unfamiliar places. 

Distinguished Professor Chin-Teng Lin and Professor Francesca Iacopi, from the UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT, with collaborating the Australian Army and Defence Innovation Hub, have to develop mind-controlled robots that are being tested by the Australian Army.

You can read more about this topic here.

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