Fertility research has already come under fire for failing to account for older studies’ potentially biased sample techniques. Now, they reveal that the average sperm count of men worldwide is decreasing at an alarming rate.

Average Sperm Count Of Men Worldwide Decreasing At Alarming Rate

Over the past several decades, men’s average sperm counts have fallen alarmingly across the globe.

According to Statista’s Martin Armstrong, research (read below) has showed a 51 percent drop between 1973 and 2018 – from 101 million sperm per milliliter of sperm to just 49 million.

Infographic: Fragile Fertility | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Hagai Levine, the study’s lead researcher, commented on the decline and added: “I think this is another signal that something is wrong with the globe and that we need to do something about it.”

“I think it’s a crisis, that we better tackle now, before it may reach a tipping point which may not be reversible”.

Fertility research has already come under fire for failing to account for older studies’ potentially biased sample techniques, as well as the variable of shifting laboratory practices. However, the researchers in this case claim that these concerns have been taken into account, only taking into account samples that utilized the same count method, were of an adequate size, and excluded men who were known to have fertility troubles.

Read the document below:


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