In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”.

Stigmatising The Unvaccinated Is Not Justified

But this view is far too simple.There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission.

In Massachusetts, USA, a total of 469 new COVID-19 cases were detected during various events in July, 2021, and 346 (74%) of these cases were in people who were fully or partly vaccinated, 274 (79%) of whom were symptomatic.

Cycle threshold values were similarly low between people who were fully vaccinated (median 22·8) and people who were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown (median 21·5), indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated.

In the USA, a total of 10 262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26·6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9·7%) were hospitalised, and 160 (1·6%) died.

In Germany, 55·4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals, and this proportion is increasing each week. In Münster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of 380 people who were fully vaccinated or who had recovered from COVID-19 and who attended a nightclub.

People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion.

I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.

Günter Kampf in the Lancet.

5 Responses

  1. Do not take the deadly vax. This is by far the most deadly vax that has been used for mass injections.

    The MSM censors the many reports of deaths and serious injuries which are well documented (but underreported).

    All the while, natural immunity and immune fortifying measures are being censored.

    And honest truth tellers like Peter McCullough are being censored.

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  3. #1:NONE OF THE DYBBUK/dwathjabs for covd.a.I. Are vaccines or inoculations.Use proper verbiage and stop taking advantage or human ignorance and laziness.Moderna’own site,earlier this year admitted their product was an OPERATING SYSTEM!,,,dr.Tenpenny,dr. Ruby,dr. Mercola,dr. Breggins,dr. Martin,dr. Young,dr. Vliet can all educate you on whats in the clitshots,MOSTLY GRAPHENE OXIDE,PARASITES,HEAVY METALS,PUNK SLIME,BLACKGOO,P.E.G,FETAL CELLS,CANCER CELLS.Does this SOUND LIKE AN AID TO YOUR IMMUNITY OR AN ATTACK ON YOUR HEALTH?#2)educate yourself,please stop contributing to the mass ignorance and confusion.#3)Operation Lockstep and The Kalergi Plan as well as Elder Scrolls of Zion detail all these events including organized looting,targetting small biz and middleclass as well as their norms and traditions.Creating chaos and destruction thus leading to mass migration is also PART OF THE PLAN,AS WELL AS FLOODING THE STREETS WITH EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE SRUGS and degrading Decent Human culture.Everythings under attack!Bolshevik playbook-learn its history and application.Kazharians,frequency-based healing and,,,,,,,,,,,

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