According to a study by the University of Columbia, nice people don’t value money because they are more agreeable.

It doesn’t hurt to be a little mean if you’re looking to save more money. A new study says nice people finish last when it comes to managing their finances since they don’t value it as much. Researchers from Columbia University explain that those who are more agreeable are the least likely to save money because they prioritize hanging out with people over material wealth.

Meanwhile, highly conscientious people may be more motivated to plan for the future and save funds. Moreover, if your personality matches your saving goals you will keep more cash, the research shows.

According to the study, Americans save just 2.3 percent of their income, the lowest portion in nearly two decades. However, experts found people will save more with sacrifices to benefit their futures. The personality-match effect stayed the same for wealthy and poor participants. Experts also found people were 3.57 times more likely to save if they received emails encouraging them to put money away in a tone that matches their personality traits.

The Daily Beast reported that Redstone Strategies LLC of Florida, a mysterious and unregistered fund, has a connection to George Santos and raised big money for him.

You can read more about this topic here.

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