South Korean scientists in a ground-breaking study has concluded that people cannot get coronavirus twice. They said that the number of reported cases of coronavirus patients relapsing again after overcoming the disease were actually due to testing failures. The results of the study are directly against the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) – no surprise there.

STUDY People Cannot Get Coronavirus Twice
STUDY People Cannot Get Coronavirus Twice

Researchers at the South Korean centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) have concluded that it is impossible for the COVID-19 virus to reactivate in human bodies.

A total of 277 patients in South Korea were believed to have fallen ill for a second time. This prompted concerns that the virus could be mutating so quickly that people were not necessarily immune to catching it again.

However, genetic analyses of the virus have not found any substantial changes which would effectively disguise it from the immune system. As a result of these reports, the WHO warned governments against allowing people to return to work simply because they have antibodies for the virus.

In an update to its guidance, the WHO warned there was “no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection”.

However, the warning of WHO has been proven false by the conclusions of the study conducted by South Korean scientists. The WHO failed to understand that the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test used to check the blood for antigens – actual particles of the virus itself – could also have issues.

There are serious concerns being raised about the testing protocol. An investigation of the cases by GreatGameIndia earlier uncovered a massive Coronavirus Testing Protocol fraud.

South Korea’s CDC has found that the test results for the suspected relapsed patients were false positives. The warned that the test WHO recommended was not able to distinguish between live traces of the virus and the harmless dead samples which remain after patients have recovered.

The CDC added that unlike other viruses, such as HIV and chickenpox – which can break into the nucleus of human cells and stay latent for years before reactivating – the coronavirus stays outside of the host cell’s nucleus.

“This means it does not cause chronic infection or recurrence,” explained Dr Oh Myoung-don, the head of the CDC committee, meaning it is unlikely for patients to relapse in this fashion.

The results of the study are directly against the recommendations of the WHO. No surprise there. One more grave mistake to add in the long list of WHO’s never-ending errors. But the real question is, are these just mistakes or is it being done consciously, considering how the WHO faked a pandemic a decade ago at the behest of the vaccine lobby.

In the wake of strict lockdown being imposed by governments globally, it bears upon the common people, thinkers, researchers and scientists to question whether such methods are indeed correct and singularly helpful in combating the outbreak of COVID-19. While the World Health Organization and vested interests are busy pushing cartelized medicine and vaccines, what is not being told to people is that it is scientifically proven that fresh air and sunlight kills coronavirus have been overpowering diseases since centuries – the Cure that time forgot.

For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.

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