A British Indian cardiologist has linked his father’s sudden death to the Pfizer vaccination and now calls vaccine misinformation “the greatest miscarriage of medical science.” Numerous important members of the worldwide medical community have endorsed Dr. Malhotra’s judgment.

British Indian Cardiologist Links Father's Sudden Death To Pfizer Vaccination Calls Vaccine Misinformation The Greatest Miscarriage Of Medical Science

His study discusses the genuine benefits and potential risks of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) coronavirus disease (COVID) vaccinations.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra became interested in COVID vaccines, specifically mRNA vaccines, after suffering a personal loss and sorrow, reports The Times of India. Dr. Malhotra, a National Health Service (NHS) qualified cardiologist, recently published a study paper in which he ‘critically appraised’ the genuine benefits and potential hazards of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) coronavirus disease (COVID) vaccines.

British Indian Cardiologist Links Father's Sudden Death To Pfizer Vaccination Calls Vaccine Misinformation The Greatest Miscarriage Of Medical Science 2

​The personal loss

“I suffered quite a personal tragedy with the sudden death of my father in July last year. He was a very fit and well man. He was 73 years old. During the whole lockdown he was walking 10 to 15 thousand steps a day. He was very conscientious of his diet,” he told a media outlet.

“I had assessed his heart a few years earlier, and in fact he had actually improved his lifestyle since then,” he adds.

According to Dr. Malhotra, the mRNA product was most likely to blame for his father’s quickly progressing coronary artery disease and unexpected cardiac arrest.

British Indian Cardiologist Links Father's Sudden Death To Pfizer Vaccination Calls Vaccine Misinformation The Greatest Miscarriage Of Medical Science 3

​The postmortem findings were shocking

“His postmortem findings really shocked me. There were two severe blockages in his coronary arteries, which did not really make any sense. As a cardiologist and intimately knowing my dad’s lifestyle and health,” he says.

Not long afterward, information about a potential link between mRNA vaccination and an increased risk of heart attack began to emerge. As a result of an increase in inflammation surrounding the coronary arteries.

​Adverse effects of COVID vaccine pose a greater risk than being hospitalised due to COVID

“Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from Covid-19,” writes Malhotra in peer-reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance.

“Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety,” he notes in the paper, adding that a substantial increase in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was observed in 2021, mimicking a prospective signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16-39-year-old age group.

British Indian Cardiologist Links Father's Sudden Death To Pfizer Vaccination Calls Vaccine Misinformation The Greatest Miscarriage Of Medical Science 4

​”I was one of the first to receive two doses of Pfizer’s messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine”

“I was one of the first to receive two doses of Pfizer’s messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine and though my individual risk was small due to my optimal metabolic health, the main reason I took the jab was to prevent transmission of the virus to my vulnerable patients,” writes the doctor in his paper.

He was requested to go on Good Morning Britain to persuade film director Gurinder Chadha, Order of the British Empire (OBE), to take the shot in order to minimize what he saw as anti-vax propaganda at the time.

British Indian Cardiologist Links Father's Sudden Death To Pfizer Vaccination Calls Vaccine Misinformation The Greatest Miscarriage Of Medical Science 5

​The November 2021 study on 500 middle aged patients

He claims that a research article released in November 2021 in Circulation caught his eye. “In over 500 middle-aged patients under regular follow up, using a predictive score model based on inflammatory markers that are strongly correlated with risk of heart attack, the mRNA vaccine was associated with significantly increasing the risk of a coronary event within fiveyears from 11% pre-mRNA vaccine to 25% 2–10 weeks post mRNA vaccine,” he writes.

“I wondered whether my father’s Pfizer vaccination, which he received six months earlier, could have contributed to his unexplained premature death and so I began to critically appraise the data,” he adds.

British Indian Cardiologist Links Father's Sudden Death To Pfizer Vaccination Calls Vaccine Misinformation The Greatest Miscarriage Of Medical Science 6

​500000 adverse event reports recorded in the UK ever since vaccination program started

The doctor quotes data from the Yellow Card system in his report when he says, “In the United Kingdom, since the vaccine roll-out there have been almost 500000 adverse event reports recorded in association with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations involving over 150000 individuals.”

​Dr Malhotra’s paper calls for a pause

Numerous important members of the worldwide medical community, including Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford, and Sherif Sultan, Professor of Vascular Surgery, have endorsed Dr Malhotra’s judgment, according to PTI.

“Dr Malhotra’s paper calls for a pause in the use of the vaccine in younger people, such as the one recently adopted by Danish public health authorities and the Florida department of public health in the United States,” said Prof. Bhattacharya.

“He calls for investigation of side effect profiles of mRNA vaccines and for a halt to any vaccine mandate programs involving Covid vaccines. These papers should be considered carefully by all public health authorities who seek to adopt principles of evidence-based medicine in their recommendations to the public regarding the Covid mRNA vaccines,” he said.

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