Switzerland has rejected the AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 vaccine due to lack of sufficient data.

Switzerland Rejects AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Due To Lack Of Sufficient Data
Switzerland Rejects AstraZeneca Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Due To Lack Of Sufficient Data

Swissmedic, Switzerland’s authority for medicines and medical devices, said it cannot authorise the jab as data submitted “are not yet sufficient”.

In a statement, the body said following an “extraordinary” meeting on February 2, its Human Medicines Expert Committee (HMEC) confirmed their assessment.

They said they could award approval once additional data from Phase III trials in America arrived.

But they added this would only be “temporary” according to their procedure.

Part of the statement read:

“The data currently available do not point to a positive decision regarding benefits and risks.

“To obtain a conclusive assessment, the applicant will among other things have to submit additional efficacy data from a Phase III trial under way in North and South America, and these will have to be analysed.

“As soon as the results have been received, a temporary authorisation according to the rolling procedure could be issued at very short notice.”

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, many European countries have decided not to use AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for people over 65. This decision as well was made due to the lack of data available about its effectiveness in elderly people.

According to a report by Germany’s Standing Vaccination Commission, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is only effective 8% in people over 65.

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3 Responses

  1. Switzerland Capitol of Evil.
    They know the Vaccines are phoney Transhumanism Experiments and Depopulation Tool.

  2. The data that is available shows significant harm to patients/ trial subjects ( all of these ” vaccines” are still in clinical trial stage and experimental….human Guinea pigs/ lab rats) and safe for humanity.

    All these biotechnologies are in phase 111 stage and have no health advantage to the general medical world other than to be used as eugenics depopulation control.

    “Documented Severe Reactions to the Covid mRNA Vaccines

    The list of severe and fatal reactions to the mRNA vaccine is growing exponentially by the week.

    Each day brings new searing testimonies and hard scientific evidence that reflect an extremely toxic and experimental Covid vaccine has been administered to highly vulnerable individuals who should have never been vaccinated—PERIOD!

    The following “National Vaccine Information Center” link documented 329 deaths and 9516 vaccine injuries (as of 1/22/2021) that occurred soon after each patient received their COVID-19 vaccination. See: These are the first 329 cases where COVID-19 vaccines were administered and the patients died as a result.

    KEY POINT: The preceding COVID-19 vaccine death statistic of 329 has since been updated to 501 at this link: http://stateofthenation.co/?p=51525

    A much more detailed explanation of this outcome was provided by the Children’s Health Defense Team as follows.  This particular analysis ought to be well understood by every person whose elderly parents are under the care of an institution, especially if they have multiple comorbidities.
    -source State of the Nation

    It’s time to stop this global historical evil.

  3. Thank goodness there are still some people with common sense and who remember how honest the drug companies are.plus how much they care about the well being of people.

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