Demonetization: Economists Or Fraudsters? S09

Round Tripping

At least now, post demonetization, do we have any fresh estimates of the Black Money in the country, or its rate of generation? This would have been a very interesting study to do. Why haven’t we seen it done? Around 1986 two professors, four readers and a few other management experts of the “prestigious” IIM […]

Tata Corus Deal – Uncovering The Mystery Of The White Knight

Following the 2008 Financial Crisis notable financial institutions worldwide were severely hit. Many had to be taken over or merged with another financial institution, others nationalized by a government or central bank rest declared insolvent or liquidated. The only problem was there wasn’t enough liquidity in the markets. The not so lucky ones were gobbled […]

The Global War On Cash: Target India – Part 1

इस लेख को हिंदी में पढ़ें – ​नकदी पर वैश्विक युद्ध: निशाने पर भारत – भाग १ The big bankers of the world, who practice the terrorism of money, are more powerful than kings and field marshals, even more than the Pope of Rome himself. They never dirty their hands. They kill no-one: they limit themselves […]

Who Is Jean Paul Roy? The Man Who Holds A Considerable Stake In The KG Basin?

This is Jean Paul Roy – Canadian geologist who lives in Guatemala and speaks French, Spanish and English. Just 6 days before the KG Basin deal he created GeoGlobal incorporated in the Caribbean island of Barbados with a capital of just $64. Under the deal he was given 10% stake in KG Basin for his […]