Bill Gates Comments On Novak Djokovic Vaccine Stance

Bill Gates Comments On Novak Djokovic Vaccine Stance

Djokovic was deported from Australia earlier this year after getting engaged in a visa and immunization scandal. The public figure now finds himself as the topic of a Bill Gates interview where he commented on Novak Djokovic’s vaccine stance.

Bill Gates Calls For Global Pandemic Task Force

Bill Gates Calls For Global Pandemic Task Force

Despite the fact that Gates is not a qualified medical expert and has never attended college, his vast wealth has enabled him to successfully dominate global health policy through the Gates Foundation. And now, Bill Gates has called for a global pandemic task force.

Bill Gates Building $43 Million Bachelor Pad

Obtaining approval to construct in the San Diego in the first place is a difficult task in and of itself. But that doesn’t appear to be the case if your name is Bill Gates, as he is building a $43 million bachelor pad for himself.