Israel Dropped Over 22,000 US-Made Bombs On Gaza Within Six Weeks
The Washington Post reported that Israel has dropped over 22,000 US-made bombs, including white phosphorus weapons, on Gaza within six weeks. Within the first six weeks of the war, the Israeli army dropped over 22,000 guided and unguided US-supplied bombs on the confined Gaza Strip, according to previously revealed intelligence numbers given to Congress and […]
How Bomb Making Materials From India Reach ISIS – GreatGameIndia Exclusive
India is the Second Largest Source of Components Used by the Islamic State to Make Explosives. IED components are commercial goods that are not subject to government export licences. In an exclusive interview by Shelley Kasli, Marcus Wilson, Managing Director of London based organisation Conflict Armament Research reveals to GreatGameIndia how in a 20-month investigation […]