Disrupting The Old World Order

Disrupting the Old World Order

The old order of the world is being disrupted – with all its systems and structures being shaken to the foundations. Built on the exploitation and annihilation of native cultures, this destruction is being projected as a heroic struggle for the liberation of the world from tyranny. A century ago one such plot was launched […]

Why The British Created India’s Central Bank – Reserve Bank Of India

Why The British Created Reserve Bank Of India

The British Empire created the Reserve Bank of India, as a “Sheathed Weapon,” used to fleece Indian wealth. This bank remained the primary source of British finances for the Second World War. A report by Masood Rezvi. Central banks have invariably been used by their governments to create money for war funding. Britain, in fact, was able […]

The East Offering Her Riches To Britannia

The East Offering Her Riches To Britannia

This is the story of The East offering her Riches to Britannia, a painting commissioned by the 24 Directors of the East India Company. In 1778, the directors of the East India Company installed an extravagant new painting in their London headquarters, East India House. Like much corporate art before and since, the quality of […]

British Origins Of Contemporary Naxalite Insurgency

The Pax Britannica is so firmly established that the idea of overt rebellion is always distant from our minds, even in a remote State like Bastar. – B. P. Standen, Chief Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, Central Provinces, 1910 In February of 1910 the tribal population of the princely state of Bastar in eastern India […]

Houses Of Rhodes & Oppenheimers – EIC2MNC Series Part V

In the previous parts of this ongoing East India Company Series we examined the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of Multi National Corporations (MNCs). We also examined the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with along with the unique philosophical outlook that determined […]

Whom Is The Indian Administration Designed To Protect?

Recently a widow of the freedom fighter who fought in Subhash Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army lost a legal battle to get back their own money her husband had deposited in Shanghai. The Delhi High Court said that the government cannot raise a dispute with another country on private claims. As reported by the Economic […]

The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers

Note: The below GreatGameIndia story has led to a major national controversy exposing the role of #DeLaRue in printing of Indian currency notes. GreatGameIndia itself received a notice from the advisory firm Brunswick on behalf of De La Rue regarding the story. De La Rue’s notice and the official GreatGameIndia response can be read here. As […]

India At Crossroads To Swaraj Or Slavery?


Is India at the crossroads to Swaraj (independence) or Slavery (dominion)? At the dawn of the new millennium India stands, dazed and indecisive, at the crossroads. As perhaps the only secular nation with population of a billion, with thousands of political, spiritual and religious leaders of various denominations, with a vast talent of creative intelligentsia; […]

The Helots Of India – Between Slavery & Freedom

This excerpt from The Hunt For The Treasure Of Vijayanagara Empire details the tragic situation of the tribals in India akin to the Helots – a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. Liberalization and Privatization were the tools of the mercantile world in the […]

Does The East India Company Still Exist?

This excerpt from our exclusive East India Company Series article titled Noble Motives focuses on the puzzle of the disappearance of the EICs and their reemergence as modern day MNCs (Multi National Corporations). The East India Company (the “Company“) was one of the institutions created as a product of the Venetian Merchants takeover of England’s commerce. In England it was […]