Canada Says Its Oil Could Replace US Imports Of Russian Crude If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved
After heated talks about banning Russian oil imports between US and it’s allies Canada has proposed that it’s oil could help the US replace the imports of Russian crude oil if the Keystone XL Pipeline is approved.
Canada Authorizes First Plant Based COVID Vaccine
While several COVID-19 vaccinations have been distributed all around the globe, global health officials are seeking for more candidates in the hopes of expanding the global supply. The latest addition to the vaccine line is Canada’s plant based COVID vaccine.
Canadian Doctor Condemns COVID Vaccines As Murder Shots
Experts have harshly attacked all the so-called public health interventions, not only vaccines, as more data becomes available. Among these is a criticism by a Canadian doctor who condemns COVID vaccines as murder shots.
70% Of Recent COVID Deaths In Canada Were Fully Vaccinated Shows Gov’t Data
COVID-19 mortality in Canada are now outnumbering those seen in earlier waves when there were no COVID-19 vaccinations on the market. However, actual statistics from the Government of Canada indicates that the 70% of the recent COVID deaths in Canada were fully vaccinated population which is responsible for the bulk of these additional deaths — 7 out of every 10 – demonstrating that Canada is experiencing a “Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated.”
Ottawa Police Chief Resign Amid Backlash Over Handling Of Freedom Convoy
In the wake of public outcry over his mishandling of the Freedom Convoy rallies against Canada’s COVID-19 vaccination mandates, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has resigned.
Why The Freedom Convoy Is Provoking Unprecedented Hysteria
It has been evident that the Freedom Convoy of Canadian truckers and their supporters, which began marching in Ottawa weeks ago to demand an end to all pandemic-related rules and restrictions across the country, is not like most protest groups. And that’s a frightening prospect for those in power who believed they could handle and exploit the issue according to their own time and schedule, regardless of the science or situation on the ground.
Alberta Cancels Vaccine Passports After Pressure From Truckers
Alberta has cancelled vaccine passports after pressure from freedom truckers. The truckers who had been obstructing the Coutts border were unsatisfied with the resolution.
Quebec Cancels Planned Health Tax On The Unvaccinated After Growing Backlash
Quebec has cancelled planned health tax on the unvaccinated following mounting backlash. The exact amount of the tax was unknown, although it was speculated to be around $100 and $800 per unvaccinated individual.
60% Of Omicron Hospitalization Numbers Were Incorrect Admits Canada’s Chief Medical Officer
Shocking statistics regarding Canada’s Omicron hospitalizations has come to light recently. The Premier of Alberta has claimed a staggering 60% disparity between the actual figures.
mRNA Vaccines Can Keep Creating Spike Proteins Forver By Permanently Altering Kids DNA Warns Doctor
A Canadian doctor who was expelled for administering ivermectin to patients suffering from COVID-19 warned that mRNA COVID vaccines can keep creating spike proteins forever by permanently altering kids DNA. Children are particularly prone to DNA alteration because they have higher levels of reverse transcriptase than adults, said Dr. Daniel Nagase.