CDC Admits Withholding Widespread Vaccine Efficacy Data
Last year, the CDC was chastised for neglecting to follow so-called breakthrough infections in vaccinated Americans. The latest controversy that the CDC find themselves in started from them admitting to withholding widespread vaccine efficacy data.
CDC To End COVID Mask Mandate Next Week Under Pressure After States Lift Restrictions
As new tools to combat COVID have become accessible, several US states and localities have elected to shift their strategies. It has resulted in the CDC being pressured to end the COVID mask mandate next week as states start lifting the restrictions.
How The CDC Abandoned Science
The main federal agency guiding America’s pandemic policy is the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which sets widely adopted policies on masking, vaccination, distancing, and other mitigation efforts to slow the spread of COVID and ensure the virus is less morbid when it leads to infection.
The CDC Study On Natural Immunity Explained
The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) published by the Centers for Disease Control has released a fascinating study on comparing hospitalization with Covid-19 immunity status, thus addressing a topic of pressing concern for public health.
Natural Immunity Superior To Vaccination Against Delta Virus Variant Shows New CDC Study
According to a recent research presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), natural immunity is superior to vaccination against Delta virus.
US Senators Call For Bill To Audit The CDC – From Decision Making To Public Health Messaging
US Senators are calling for a Bill to finally audit the CDC – from its decision-making policies to public health messaging.
CDC Vaccine Tracking System Designer & Oracle Director Joel Kallman Dead 2 Months After COVID-19 Vaccine Shot
The Director at Oracle, Joel Kallman who designed CDC’s Vaccine Tracking System is dead two months after taking the COVID-19 vaccine shot.
REPORT: CDC Inflated COVID-19 Fatality Rates By 1600%
According to a recently published research report the CDC inflated the COVID-19 fatality rates by a shocking 1600%.
New CDC Research Now Says Coronavirus Is Not Spreading In Schools
According to new research published by the American CDC coronavirus is not spreading in schools.
CDC Report – 3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine “Unable To Perform Normal Daily Activities”
According to a new CDC report, almost 3,150 people who were administered the COVID-19 vaccine were paralyzed and were “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work and required care from doctor or health care professional.” MUST READ: COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To British Eugenics Movement The details were released in a December […]