Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science
From the earliest days of the pandemic, something deep inside me—in my soul, if you will—recoiled from the political and public response to the virus. Nothing about it felt right or strong or true. This was not just an epidemiological crisis, but a societal one, so why were we listening exclusively to some select epidemiologists? Where were the mental health experts? The child development specialists? The historians? The economists? And why were our political leaders encouraging fear rather than calm?
COVID Antibodies Discovered In Blood Samples From Before The Outbreak
Antibodies to the novel coronavirus have been found in blood specimens from September 2019 in Europe, ahead of the pandemic in Wuhan, China, signaling an “enormous” shift in how the government’s approach to the virus should be perceived, according to a top medical professor.
Pfizer CEO Roasted On Social Media After Claiming 4th COVID Shot Is Necessary
Given the vaccines’ rushed clinical trials, many Americans are worried that they have not been thoroughly investigated for side effects. To be forced to take a fourth dosage of something like that should be cause for concern, but this is exactly what the Pfizer CEO was pushing for. But the Pfizer CEO was roasted on social media after claiming 4th COVID shot is necessary.
Inside Story Of How A Journalist Lost His Job For Exposing Dr Fauci
A longtime Forbes contributor and government transparency activist recently shared the emails from National Institutes of Health (NIH) public relations officials that led to his cancellation.
The WHO Pandemic Treaty A Backdoor To Global Governance
You may already have heard the rumour mill working overtime on what appears to be a dastardly plan by the World Health Organization (WHO) to become the seat of global governance.
Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV Says Wuhan Lab Scientists
This article was not written by a bunch of random scientists, but instead was written by people from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including the infamous batwoman Shi Zheng-Li. Just keep this in mind. It was originally submitted in Sep 2021 and revised in January 2022, so it does not involve Omicron.
Is Putin The New Coronavirus?
President Biden’s “maskless” State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years. Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is replacing COVID as a ready-made excuse for their failures and a justification for expanding their power.
Children In China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese COVID Vaccines
Numerous parents who were hesitant to vaccinate their children have been pressured to do so. But the consequences of this action seem to be expressing itself as children in China are being diagnosed with leukemia after taking Chinese vaccines.
The Vaccinated Are Dying In Britain
Hospitalizations and deaths remain stubbornly high and overwhelmingly occur in vaccinated people. In February, 90 percent of the 1,000 Britons who died each week of Covid were vaccinated.
How COVID Vaccines Are Triggering Diseases
According to Dr. Robert Malone, COVID vaccines may be trigerring diseases since they target an outdated variant of the coronavirus.