Canadian Doctor Condemns COVID Vaccines As Murder Shots

Experts have harshly attacked all the so-called public health interventions, not only vaccines, as more data becomes available. Among these is a criticism by a Canadian doctor who condemns COVID vaccines as murder shots.
List Of Over 100 Studies Proving How COVID Vaccines Are More Harmful Than What We’re Being Told

List Of Over 100 Studies Proving How COVID Vaccines Are More Harmful Than What We’re Being Told
Study Finds Heart Inflammation Risk 133 Times Greater For Teenage Boys After Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine

According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection is linked to a 133 times increased risk of heart inflammation in teenage boys.
Sonic Weapons Were Used To Attack Protesters By Australian Police

There seem to be alarming evidence that during the February 12 Canberra Convoy protests, the largest in Australia’s history, Australians were attacked by sonic weapons, as to what seems to be yet another stride towards militarised oppression of legal demonstrations in Australia. If this is the case, the government has launched an atrocious attack on its own citizens.
70% Of Recent COVID Deaths In Canada Were Fully Vaccinated Shows Gov’t Data

COVID-19 mortality in Canada are now outnumbering those seen in earlier waves when there were no COVID-19 vaccinations on the market. However, actual statistics from the Government of Canada indicates that the 70% of the recent COVID deaths in Canada were fully vaccinated population which is responsible for the bulk of these additional deaths — 7 out of every 10 – demonstrating that Canada is experiencing a “Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated.”
Journalist Claims He Was Canceled For Investigating Fauci

On Monday, a longstanding Forbes contributor claimed he was fired from the publication for reporting on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s financial affairs, including a scoop on the White House senior medical advisor’s enormous $350,000 retirement payout.
FDA Whistleblower Reveals Biden Plan For Annual Covid Vaccines For Toddlers

According to an FDA official Biden administration has plans for annual covid vaccines for toddlers. “It’ll be a recurring fountain of revenue. It might not be that much initially, but it’ll be recurring… if they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company,” said the FDA whistleblower.
Female Air Force Officer Becomes First To Get Covid Vaccine Exemption Over Jab’s Connection To Abortion

Thus far, no judge has granted a countrywide order to protect all active-duty members from prospective consequences for refusing to comply with the vaccine requirement. As such a climate prevails, a female Air Force officer has become the first to get an exemption from Covid vaccine mandate on religious grounds over the jab’s connection to abortion.
How Chinese Holistic Medicine Treat You Rather Than The Symptoms Hurting You

Holistic medical practitioners exist in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all share a dedication to curing the person rather than the condition. Traditional herbalists and bodyworkers to naturopathic physicians and holistic health doctors all have different scopes of practise. The health of the body and its ability to resist infectious disease are equally as essential as the germ itself in Chinese holistic medicine which treats you rather than the symptoms that are hurting you.
2 Boys Die From Unusual Heart Inflammation Shortly After Getting Pfizer Vaccine Finds New Study

COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis has become an expected new disease category for young cardiac patients presenting to emergency departments. In a series of tragic events, two boys succumbed to death from unusual heart inflammation shortly after getting the Pfizer vaccine.