Meditating Everyday Activates Genes That Fight Off COVID Virus And Even Cancer Finds New Study
Empirical evidence has finally been provided in the form of a research which says that meditation activates genes that are used to combat Covid amongst other serious illnesses. The study looks into the correlation between meditation and activation of genes that are crucial for natural immunity.
Dr Fauci Created Transgender Monkeys In A $205,000 Taxpayers Funded NIH Study
Quite a curious research was done by the NIH division led by Dr Fauci which created transgender monkeys. The aim of the experiment was to study the correlation between the HIV virus and women of transgender nature.
How The Epidemic Intelligence Program Created A False Pandemic Narrative
The words “epidemic intelligence program” and “false pandemic” have an odd connection to each other. In this article, we take a look at the events in the past that led us to to our gloomy present that could theoretically turn out to be a complete hoax.
Baby Girl Dies From Brain Hemorrhage 5 Days After Pfizer Vaccine Shot
A heartbreaking statement of a mother who lost her baby due to brain hemorrhage after she got the vaccine has recently surfaced. The video that she uploaded has taken people by storm as the mother, who claims to be a pro-vaccine individual discovers the sides of the vaccine she didn’t want to see.
Project Defuse: Secret Documents Expose Dr Fauci’s Military Proposal To Engineer Coronavirus
Project Veritas has uncovered shocking secret documents about COVID-19’s origin, gain of function studies, vaccinations, repressed prospective therapies, and the administration’s attempt to bury all of this. The secret military documents from DARPA regarding Project Defuse expose Dr Fauci’s proposal to engineer coronavirus through gain-of-function which was rejected for being dangerous and violating the code of research.
Deltacron Is A Lab Contamination Not A New Variant Claims UK Virologist
The latest addition to the arsenal of Covid variants, the strain “Deltacron” has seen itself being labelled as a “lab contamination” in a sharp turn of events. The quite interesting claims takes it source from a virologist in the UK.
Globally Coordinated Political Warfare Of 21st Century To Implement The Great Reset Agenda
Perhaps one of the most controversial figures in the current society, Dr. Robert Malone, has noted the general public might just be in the midst of political warfare and a great reset of a coordinated nature. The global attempt at such an agenda ought to get more attention than it has, but the constructed narrative by mainstream media aids to keep everyone in the dark.
‘I Do Not Want To Have A Vaccination’: NHS Doctor Tells UK Health Secretary
An NHS worker has been bold enough to openly state that he does not want vaccine. He clearly expressed his dissatisfaction by the policy of mandatory vaccination for healthcare professionals while he most likely possesses natural antibodies at this point.
How COVID Vaccines Exposed India’s Adverse Events Reporting System
Adverse events are among the most heavily scrutinised parts of the covid-19 vaccine process. But India’s system was woefully unprepared for this, leaving families confused, sowing vaccine hesitancy in communities, while robbing the system of valuable data, reports Priyanka Pulla.
Was US Funded Military Biological Lab Seized By Rioters In Kazakhstan?
The report that a US-funded ‘military biological laboratory’ was seized by rioters in the recent unrest, which has seen at least 160 dead since the violence broke out just one week ago, is being denied by the Kazakh officials.