Inside The Klaus Schwab Davos Cash machine

Inside The Klaus Schwab Davos Cash machine 1

Inside The Klaus Schwab Davos Cash machine, the World Economic Forum, a Swiss non-profit, grapples with currency hoarding, managing substantial revenue and cash reserves, and acquiring high-value real estate, sparking awe and ire in the events industry. Let’s take a moment to recognize the extraordinarily prosperous media company that is the World Economic Forum before […]

The Secret Meeting To Break The World’s Biggest Corporations

The Secret Meeting To Break The World’s Biggest Corporations 1

A secret meeting is held annually at the posh Steigenberger Wiltcher’s hotel to break the world’s biggest corporations, known as the Brussels Conference on Antitrust. The parties are extravagant, security is tight, and the panel discussions are ostentatious when the wealthiest CEOs in the world congregate in the Alps or the Arabian Desert. And then […]

The WEF Wants To Hack Your Brain

During the WEF Annual Meeting 2023, the WEF focused on the weaponization of brain sciences and the vulnerabilities of the human brain, which suggest that they might want to hack your brain to militarise it.

Here Is Davos Plan For The Next Pandemic

Klaus Schwab said that the pandemic is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to undertake the Great Reset, which reveals the plan that Davos has for the next pandemic.

Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Afew weeks back, at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Bill Gates said some surprising things. In the course of a 56-minute panel discussion the vaccine pusher extraordinaire admitted (starting at the 18:22 mark) that the Covid vaccines do not block infection and that the duration of whatever protection they bring to the table is extremely short.

The Decline And Fall Of Davos Man

The Decline And Fall Of Davos Man

Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine loomed large at this year’s annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where political and business leaders once gathered to celebrate globalization and pursue more of it. Now, the world has entered a new phase of history in which geopolitics will predominate.