Severe Impact Of COVID Vaccines On Human Fertility Can Be Classified As A Depopulation Event
The first COVID shots rolled out in December 2020, and it didn’t take long before doctors and scientists started warning of possible reproductive effects.
Depopulation Of Taiwan
This is a continuation of my post from yesterday about a massive 13% decline in births in Germany. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth.
The Global Decline Of Fertility Rates
Fertility rates have been continuously declining globally for the past half-century, the article below visualises it.
America’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency Deagel Forecasts Depopulation Of The World From COVID-19 Crisis & Great Reset
One of America’s most secret intelligence agency Deagel forecasts in its latest report, the depopulation of the world because of the COVID-19 crisis and the Great Reset.
Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust
A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct […]
India At Crossroads To Swaraj Or Slavery?
Is India at the crossroads to Swaraj (independence) or Slavery (dominion)? At the dawn of the new millennium India stands, dazed and indecisive, at the crossroads. As perhaps the only secular nation with population of a billion, with thousands of political, spiritual and religious leaders of various denominations, with a vast talent of creative intelligentsia; […]
Displacement, Depopulation & Destruction Of Third World Geo-Economics
Since the advent of the Roman Empire there were continuous attempts to grab resources from other regions. The most favourable method followed was to kill everybody whom they did not like. This policy was sanctified when the papal bull Inter Caetera was issued in 1493. In its wildest sense it was interpreted by its followers […]