Woke Disney Loses $900 Million In Recent Box Office Flops
According to an analysis by Valliant Renegade, the last eight Disney studio releases were considered flops, resulting in Woke Disney incurring losses of $900 million. The Walt Disney Company is looking at an almost $900 million loss following a series of woke flops at the box office. According to an analysis by Valliant Renegade, which aims to look […]
Disney Employee Arrested For Child Porn
Daniel Rivera, a Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts employee, has been arrested for child porn after a months-long investigation into his Dropbox account that contained several files of children under 10 having sex with adult men. A longtime Disney World employee was arrested for allegedly sharing child pornography and uploading pictures of a pal’s […]
Disney To Charge Unvaccinated Customers Extra At Tokyo Theme Park
Customers who show proof of immunisation or a negative PCR test will receive a 20% discount on admission to the Disney Tokyo theme park, while unvaccinated guests will be charged an additional fee.
List Of Disney Employees Arrested For Child Sex Crimes
“So far, a total of 32 have been convicted, with the remaining cases pending,” is not a comment you want to hear when it comes to an entertainment company. But the fact remains that dozens of Disney employees have been arrested for child sex crimes in the past and this is alarming.
Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles?
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent the LBGT community and the woke corporations into a frenzy when he championed (and signed into law) an anti-groomer bill that prevents school teachers from grooming 5 year old children about deviant sex practices.
Leaked Videos Expose Disney’s Secret Gay Agenda To Indoctrinate Children
Disney has progressively injected left-wing politics into the troops of entertainment assets it holds and this is concerning to say the least. But now, leaked videos have exposed Disney’s secret gay agenda to indoctrinate children.
Reporter Allison Williams Quits ESPN Over COVID Vaccine Mandate
Reporter Allison Williams is leaving ESPN over COVID-19 vaccine mandate, says “I am so morally and ethically not aligned with this.” Recently, a Senior Australian Police Sergeant quit her job after refusing to enforce Orwellian COVID rules. Wearing her dark-blue uniform in a bombshell interview she revealed that she had been “troubled” by how police resources have been applied during the pandemic by state authorities.