‘Groundbreaking Lawsuit’ Filed Over Vaccine Death

A “groundbreaking lawsuit” has been filed over a vaccine death based on the report of a death investigation from the Bradford County Coroner’s Office. The report states that the “primary cause” of death was “COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis. The family of George Watts, Jr. “who died unexpectedly,” is suing the DOD, claiming “willful misconduct” because the DOD allegedly […]

Quantum Entanglement And The Indian Cavemen – S04

Quantum Entanglement

Did anyone of India’s theoretical physicists provide any input at all on the quantum entanglement theory and its role in both cracking the current Cryptographic Keys and in providing an in-theory-un-crackable key to the Aadhaar Project Managers? A Mathematical algorithm is used to calculate a number from the iris scan taken during the Aadhaar card […]