Meer Jafar Ali Khan – The Prince Who Defeated East India Company In House Of Commons
In 1856 as India or Hindustan or Bharat (whatever you wish to call) was about to burst into flames against the oppression of the English East India Company, one Indian Prince was on the verge of creating history in England. Meer Jafar Ali Khan fearlessly led the greatest legal counter attack against the corporation on […]
Duryodhana Statue Smuggler Charged With Trafficking Artifacts
A sandstone Duryodhana statue smuggler Douglas Latchford, a dealer in and collector of Southeast Asian antiquities who falsified documents to make looted treasures easier to sell on the art market has been charged with trafficking artifacts. Investigators have charged Douglas A. J. Latchford, a leading expert on Khmer antiquities, with smuggling looted Cambodian relics and […]