Will Fico’s Attempted Assassination Influence Next Month’s Elections?

Will Fico’s Attempted Assassination Influence Next Month’s Elections? 1

The Eurocrats are using the attempted assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Fico to shift focus from vague Russian meddling claims to influencing voter perceptions, aiming to counter conservative gains in the upcoming European parliamentary elections. Instead of speaking vaguely about alleged Russian meddling, the Eurocrats are now honing their information warfare narrative to muddle the […]

Elon Musk Says 2024 Will Be Last Election ‘Actually Decided By US Citizens’

Elon Musk Says 2024 Will Be Last Election ‘Actually Decided By US Citizens’ 1

Elon Musk, in a post, said that 2024 would be the last election “actually decided by US citizens,” as he blamed the influx of illegal immigrants with voting rights and stirred debate on citizenship status in the census. Elon Musk blames the “influx” of illegal immigrants who are now able to vote for his prediction […]

A ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ Influenced The 2020 Election—What Lies Ahead In 2024?

A ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ Influenced The 2020 Election—What Lies Ahead In 2024? 1

In a 2021 Time article titled ‘The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,’ author Molly Ball described how a ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ influenced the 2020 Election, with expectations for what lies ahead in 2024 Republicans will probably have a far tougher climb in the general election than many anticipate, even if […]

2024 – World’s Biggest Election Year & Geopolitical Threats

2024 - World's Biggest Election Year & Geopolitical Threats 1

According to information from the World Economic Forum’s annual survey of world leaders, 2024 will be the world’s biggest election year and will have severe geopolitical threats, with extreme weather being the most severe threat. A cost-of-living problem is making life more difficult for people worldwide, record global temperatures are having increasingly negative effects, and […]

Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies Trump From 2024 Ballot In First-Ever

According to the ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court, Donald Trump has been disqualified from the 2024 ballot in first-ever because Trump’s purported involvement in the US Capitol incident on January 6 renders him unable to compete for president in 2024. According to court records, the Colorado Supreme Court declared that former President Donald Trump […]

40 Countries Are Going For Elections In 2024

The international environment around the 2024 elections will be contentious and unstable, with 40 countries going for elections next year, including the USA, EU, and India. Elections in 2024 will impact about 2 billion people, or a quarter of the world’s population, including those in the US, EU, UK, Taiwan, India, and Russia. Some will […]