How British Vaccine Cartel GAVI Dictates India’s Coronavirus Response

How British Vaccine Cartel GAVI Dictates India's Coronavirus Response

British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has managed to infiltrate India’s healthcare policy-making thereby gaining a strategic position to dictate India’s response to coronavirus. GAVI is largely led by the British government and Bill Gates. While the UK is GAVI’s largest funder, its implementation follows what is known as the” Gates approach”. […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To British Eugenics Movement

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To UK Eugenics Movement

The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. Report by Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb The Landmark COVID-19 Agreement On April 30th, AstraZeneca and Oxford University announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves […]

Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct […]