Researchers Are Attempting To Make Egg Cells Without Human Ovaries
The two Japanese reproductive biologists, Katsuhiko Hayashi and Mitinori Saitou, are attempting to make egg cells without human ovaries.
Fertility Rates In India Fall Across All Religious Groups
According to Pew Research Center data, the fertility rates in India have fallen across all religious groups, with the difference between Hindu and Muslim birth rates shrinking, going from a third to a quarter more births among the latter demographic.
WHO Has A History With Vaccines Aimed At Reducing Fertility
“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” is the fourth vaccine-related documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It tells the story of an intentional infertility vaccine program conducted on African women, without their knowledge or consent.
The Global Decline Of Fertility Rates
Fertility rates have been continuously declining globally for the past half-century, the article below visualises it.